
baby blanket I help mother to do laundry

In the morning mother hugs the pupil pupil to have a long lazy sleep,baby blanket, as soon as daddy is called us only then to wake, opens eyes looked, already 7.5 points. The pupil pupil looked that mother accompanies her to have a long lazy sleep, thought mother did not need to go to work today, who would have thought put on clothes to her to send to paternal grandmother the family, asked mother mother, you did not go to work? It is not right, mother goes to work then very does not would rather lets daddy carry off, exhorts mother mother, you may with be excited for a while in behind, thought really does not go to work at home accompanies the pupil pupil to play for one day, fortunately, has borne ~~~

Mother gets off work in the afternoon goes home, just and daddy on the bed plays, sees mother to pass through the gate, lowers the head continues to play, also looked at one, this only then wants to come, was mother comes back. Smiles wants mother to pass hugs her, mother has not traded clothes to see mother stands in is also looking at her, has not gone to trade clothes, mother, you take off clothes to stir up daddy quickly to laugh at her straight. These days eat dinner Li Yutong the child to display well,(Related ArticlesDota T-Shirt Seven ten day period husbands and wiv), mother tells she eats meal lets the television rest, also lets the small eye rest, although very wants to watch the television, but obeys mother's words, ate meal well. Finished eating the food only then to turn on the television, today must look is new year good, saw the skillful tiger new year's celebration put on the new flowered lined jacket, let grandfather also put on her small Chinese-style clothing to her, last year celebrated the new year time did to her, usually how didn't have to put on, now became the sweetie pie but actually, each time looked new year good time must put on, was jumping together with the skillful tiger.

Mother evening does laundry, lets her play. Good ~~ then might be busy at the bad pupil pupil, saw mother to do laundry, hurries the end to leave own small trough,funny baby boy clothes, washed good one one mother to install, between lips also talked on endlessly really clean daddy who I must do laundry wash in side to look said that also nice saw mother the washtub full was the small froth, inside was eager to try wants to extend the hand plays, mother pointed at the microcheiria which she soon came to say that you dared to extend mother the washtub, I punched you,best selling toddler toys, because was afraid takes a beating, microcheiria this was traces in the trough border traces ......

