
Kids Shoes The guardian carries on the education to the child, must hold the card mount guard

Electronic Science and Technology Institute of China Attached elementary school nation opening remarks guardian qualifications authentication

The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China attached experiment elementary school takes the lead experiment site carrying out in the nation in the school student guardian qualifications authentication system. Yesterday,(Related ArticlesThe new year's celebration strolls the digital port joyful amusing thing), reporter learned from the school authorities that this school will try out lets the guardian through the fixed start home education curriculum study, each school year's test, receives the credentials. Regarding the test unqualified guardian, the school organizes to study and the make-up test again, until qualified.

To tries out the authentication in the school student guardian

Little while ago, met in view of many guardians in the home education all sorts of puzzled, all-China Women's Federation, the Ministry of Education, Bureau of Civil Administration and so on 7 ministries and commissions have issued our country first ' the nation home education instruction program '. A program transmission's core information is, the home education is self-taught by no means that must let the child accept the good home education,Kids Shoes, the guardian must first attend class first,baby toiletries, study. We are the hope authenticate this form through the guardian qualifications,girls shoes, lets the guardian take own study. Principal Kang Yongbang disclosed yesterday that the electronic Science and Technology Institute of China Attached elementary school take ' the nation home education instruction program ' as a foundation, links to the school reality, starts from the elementary school first grade to try out the guardian qualifications authentication system in the school student guardian.

Takes a test issues the certificate also to need the year qualified to examine

According to the electronic Science and Technology Institute of China Attached elementary school's implementation action program, will divide into classes the guardian according to the grade and the class and grade, each class can select several guardian class cadre, the school will arrange the fixed time to organize the guardian to carry on the massed learning. At present studies the content take ' the nation home education instruction program ' as the blue book, later will act according to the experience which the actual operation accumulates, the development home education collated and corrected copy curriculum. Each school year, will also organize the guardian to carry on the centralism test, will receive the qualifications authentication certificate regarding the test qualified guardian, regarding the test unqualified guardian, the school organizes to study and the make-up test again, until qualified. Regarding guardian who already obtained the authentication certificate, must attend class regularly the study, each school year must carry on a next year to examine, is for the purpose of letting the guardian momentarily renew along with child's growth suits the child age section the home education method.

Managing finances and the nature must say

The concrete school will carry on what kind of training to the guardian? Principal Kang gave an example saying that for instance, 'the nation home education instruction program ' has introduced the family managing finances education idea for the first time, suggested that the guardian carried on the work idea and the appropriate consumption custom raise target-oriented to 7-12 year-old child, encouraged the child to participate in the family financial budget, controlled the pocket money reasonably. We will tell to the guardian's training first time these ideas they. Also for instance, 'the nation home education instruction program ' many place talked about the sex education. The reason that many guardians do not dare with the child to discuss the nature, is takes for the sex education more early, will have the sex act to jump over early. Principal Kang said that in ours guardian classroom, how our teacher will instruct the guardian to face child's nature to be puzzled, what scientific attitude should the guardian by, really facing the child regarding natural each kind of inquiry.

