
Dota Early pregnancy Copes with harms happy Tips

Regardless of were once were pregnant the female who or the preparation was pregnant, as soon as heard harms happily, mostly will produce the trifle to fear, resistance psychology. In fact, harms happily is the being pregnant initial period normal phenomenon, so long as understood that grasps several basic principles, may slow down the bodily ill situation, enjoys the joy which heartily is pregnant!

Why will harm happily

Harms happily is called morning sickness (morningsickness), disgusting which is refers to the pregnant woman who being pregnant initial period produces, phenomena and so on vomit, usually gets out of bed when early morning its symptom is most serious. Because female after being pregnant, in vivo hormone secretion increases, therefore easy to cause disgusting, vomitive occurrence; In addition, being pregnant period, pregnant woman in vivo will secrete the massive luteins to stabilize the womb, will reduce the womb smooth muscle the contraction, but simultaneously actually also will affect a stomach smooth muscle the creeping motion, will create the dyspepsia, will present the gastric disorder, will vomit phenomena and so on acid water.

Besides the physiological condition change, the psychological factor will also create harms the happy phenomenon. Some women after being pregnant, because has not been able to adapt the gestation period physiological change, perhaps worried excessively embryo's growth development, causes the energetic condition not to be good, the mood is unstable, thus transforms from the pressure into body's on symptom performance, creates disgusting, vomitive phenomenon.

Generally speaking, is not all pregnant women can harm happily, but according to the pregnant woman physique, the energetic condition's difference, will harm the happy degree also to have the suitable disparity, usually the physique will be bad, the easy tense pregnant woman, its evil happy symptom quite to be also serious.

Will harm the happy phenomenon usually to continue to the gestation period 16th week, passed the 16th week later, disgusting, symptoms and so on vomit slowly will alleviate. Some pregnant women in harm the wedding date, will present lose weight the condition, but because the baby the nutrient which will need in the initial period is limited, so long as will reduce the body weight has not surpassed is pregnant the precursor heavily 5%, still belonged to the acceptable scope, does not need extremely to worry.

How to improve harms the happy phenomenon

Because harms happily is the being pregnant period temporary physiological phenomenon, is not disease, therefore the pregnant woman does not need excessively anxious or anxious, so long as grasps the following basic principle, may improve the illness which harms happily creates.


1. take few many meal as the principle. Probably every two to three hours eats food one time, each time do not eat are too many, chooses richly including the carbohydrate (e.g. soda cracker), protein food for good, and the soup thing as far as possible little eats.

2. avoids eating fries in oil, greasy, pungent, has food which the irritating quality perhaps is not good digests.

3. some pregnant women regarding have special or intense flavor food are more sensitive, easy to initiate disgusting, vomitive feeling, therefore should better also be able to avoid this kind of food.

4. may eat some foods before resting (e.g. soda cracker, earth department), or drinks cup of warm milks, like this previous day got out of bed will only then not have the disgusting situation because of the empty stomach feeling.

5. because the morning in vivo's blood sugar is low, easy to produce disgusting, vomitive feeling, therefore after getting out of bed, may eat a thing first on the bed (e.g. soda cracker), then gets out of bed again.

6. if the pregnant woman will not repel to ginger's flavor, then may the edible ginger soup, improve disgusting, vomitive situation.

7. does not take one time to drink is too juicy, may change drinks at different times, quite cannot present the wish vomit the condition.

8. chooses food which one like to eat as far as possible, do not eat food which reluctantly does not want to eat.

9. increases the monosaccharide the ingestion, for example the orange juice and the stum are the good choices.

10. takes vitamin B6, may slow down the disgusting feeling.

11. because the iron tonic easy to cause disgusting, vomitive situation, if pregnant woman has because of anemia takes the iron tonic, should stop in this stage taking first.

Daily life

1. is far away from the kitchen the lampblack taste. Boils the vegetable when the kitchen must remember opens the kitchen fan, perhaps changes to the microwave oven to cook food, reduces the lampblack the production.

2. is far away chokes nose's smell, for example smoke taste, paint taste, fish fishy smell and so on.

3. maintains the indoor air circulation,Dota, the fresh air may reduce the disgusting feeling.

4. is putting on the loose clothing, is helpful in relieves the abdomen the pressure.

5. maintains the mood is happy, may arrange some relaxed activities, disperses regarding the bodily ill attention. In addition, but must avoid staying up late and the hypertension.

6. sleeps when may the pillow barrier height, reduce occurs food adverse current situation.

7. the morning gets out of bed when do not set out suddenly, should get out of bed slowly.


1. relax the mood, as a result of morning sickness, accurate mothers worried that baby's nutrition question, actually, the baby the nutrient which needs in the initial period is limited, so long as reduces the body weight has not surpassed is pregnant the precursor heavily 5%, will not have the influence to the embryo. Therefore, accurate mother excessively should not be anxious, throws off this cloth wrapper, makes the self-adjustment, smoothly will have tided over the difficulty.

2. the family member supports positively,baby gear, morning sickness time, accurate mother, because the body is ill, the mood is anxious, what most needs is family member's support and the concern. Therefore, this matter, the husband should sympathize gently, on the one hand considers the good wife's personal habits, creates the comfortable warm family atmosphere as far as possible; On the other hand wants the patience and the wife exchanges, helps to alleviate her tense mood, passes through together harms the wedding date.

Antiemetic use

Pregnant woman in after diet and daily life work and rest adjustment, if will still present the obvious evil happy phenomenon, then might carry on the communication with obstetrician, considered whether needed to take the medicine which stopped spits. Generally speaking, obstetrician often uses the antiemetic includes the antihistamine, promotes the stomach creeping motion medicine. Because the pregnant woman applies drugs must the special attention whether to cause the fetal anomaly the question, therefore may not take voluntarily absolutely stops spits the prepared medicine, only if and essential, should better be able the gestation period tenth week later, will then take the medicine which will stop spits, will avoid the crucial phase which the embryo will grow (gestation period fourth to the tenth week).

When the above method or the medicine cannot slow down harm the happy symptom, and the pregnant woman even appears vomits continually, the dehydration, is unable to eat food, the body weight drops largely when phenomenon, then must the hospital treatment, carries on the intravenous drip injection by doctor in view of the symptom, the supplement basic quantity of heat, the moisture content, nutrients and so on electrolyte, the improvement disgusting vomit, the dehydrated question.

The serious evil happy must be careful

Generally speaking, will harm the happy symptom probably to finish in the gestation period 16th week, but if the pregnant woman presented the phenomenon which the vomit continued not to stop, then must want the special attention, because had the possibility to follow other bodily disease's occurrence very much,(Related Articlesbaby doll toys 20100728 princekins pull corpulentl), for example: Stomach organ's disease (gastoenteritis, hepatitis, digestive tract ulcer,girls coats jackets, appendicitis'typhlitis, pancreatitis, bile duct disease, acute fatty liver, intestinal obstruction and so on), urinary organ's disease (nephritis, kidney stone, uremia and so on), metabolism aspect disease (hyperthyroidism, Edison sickness and so on), hydatidiform mole, multi-afterbirth, before the eclampsia, sickness and so on. This time must go see a doctor as soon as possible, makes the further inspection, only then does not send affects the pregnant woman and embryo's health.


Harms happily, although will let the pregnant woman have the bodily ill situation, but doctor also specially stressed that will harm happily is the gestation period normal physiological phenomenon, will not be disease, should avoid using the pharmacological treatment as far as possible, but from the diet, the life work and rest will adjust, will maintain the mood happiness, will be the most correct processing mode.

If you just to harm the happy institute painstakingly, remembered that grasps few many meal, relaxes the mood the cardinal principle, believed that you might certainly pass the period of pregnancy joyfully.

