
kids jewelry [interview] WCG new champion Nv.cn interview Has the repayment finally diligently

Q: First congratulates you to win the WCG China area finals' championship, what feelings to wins this WCG championship to have?
insence: Thanks. Certainly is very happy, is also excited. This champion was also we longed for already long, simultaneously was also we continuously repayment diligently.

Q: Arranges in the position match you with LGD is 1 win 1 defeat, fences-off loses to LGD, now wins the championship,(Related Articlesinfant baby clothes Can let the baby healthy cold), whose do you think between you some?
insence: Actually two teams levels basic quite, moreover we and LGD is a team wins one in the competition, wins in turn. (smiles)

Q: Was the IEM competition, what goal did you have?
insence: Said modestly certainly is guarantees 2 struggles 1, certainly, we hoped that we can win the championship.

Q:WCG has the special training before the game?
insence: Certainly, can train every day many, members quite diligently.

Q: Regarding the being in fashion this hero's in this competition massive uses, how you are to look?
insence: Being in fashion this hero has many merits actually, on-line ability, after the intermediate stage has certain equipment, can dominate the line, can GANK, hit later period also absolutely not empty.

Q: Some Shui Youmen issue of concern, PIS has been bringing the earphone the very much in the competition, why is this? Whether to exchange influential to the troop?
insence: This was PIS be used to it, he usually trained is the belt earphone, like this he could concentrate the spirit. This belt earphone will not affect our exchange and the coordination.


Q: In today's finals your Shui Ren displays quite splendidly, how do you are look?
Zhou: This on-line suppression is quite good, the earlier period has split out the superiority, in addition is auxiliary the field of vision does very well, therefore takes up a collection very much is suitable.

Q: Today you in B/P time started to take CM \ LION \ VS3 auxiliary, how could you want to take this kind of GANK4 to guarantee 1 lineup to come to the LGD 3 nuclei?
Zhou: Actually we are the deviation hit GANK in the competition, but LGD possible to compare likes taking up a collection conservatively hits the later period, may say that is because of merely the style reason.

Q: We also note in the competition,kids jewelry, your auxiliary will take to bring with the gem to try to avoid, brings the gem will not be frequently has the risk very much? Is to look how regarding this you?
Zhou: Actually this is also the confidence manifests, brings the gem to try to avoid the efficiency to be higher, is more convenient us to make the field of vision, raised our GANK success ratio directly.


Q: Everybody is also knew that PIS uses SF to be quite strong, but we saw today, you LION which uses in the finals are also very splendid, the GANK efficiency and the initial assembly speed are quite astonishing. You have the special training to use LION this hero?
Pis: Graciousness, the special training has. However liked SF, the result by LGDBAN. (happy smiles)

Q: Then has many Shui You to raise the question, why you have been bringing the earphone in the competition?
Pis: Because this is usually familiar with, will bring the earphone to play the competition to display will be better, felt that will hit even more has the rhythm.

Manager DIEDIE:

Q: After the first day of competition ended, we were also make a interview to you, at that time you thought that final to could be definitely carries on with LGD, at that time also said that longed for could win the championship, now the troop wins the championship, what feelings did you have?
DIEDIE: This time wins the championship should be strange, in reason. Our member in adjusts after the personnel, but also after having the ACG, G league tournament and so on several unfavorable situations, the whole enhances quite in a big way, this WCG champion is also the repayment which they train diligently. For today's finals, members past 3:00 am already had awaked, may say that the entire unit is quite before the game excited and excited, this is also they can display a so splendid reason in today's finals.

Q: Which goals then do you have?
DIEDIE: Then our goal first was IEM, hoped that could win the championship once more. Is SMM and the electronic athletics public competition.

Q: Graciousness, hoped that you can obtain the good result in the following competition. Congratulates you to win the WCG China area total championship once more.
DIEDIE: Will thank all supports us to like our FANS,walmart baby dolls, Nv continuing to refuel,baby boutique clothing, for everybody offer splendid competition.

