
cute girls clothes Gestation period diabetes convention screening

The gestation period diabetes convention screening preschool education resources jy135.com gestation period carried on diabetes screening already to become was pregnant an examining conventional project. Enhances unceasingly along with the living standard, the body weight index is big, the excess nutrient the pregnant woman are getting more and more, the gestational diabetes' formation rate also gradually increases. Gestational diabetes to the maternal infant influence are very big. After merge gestation period diabetes, the mother health receives affects .1 to increase the gestation period complications, the pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome formation rate; The infection increases, like pyelonephritis, symptomless bacteriuria, skin scabies and swelling, wound infection, puerperal infection, mastitis and so on .2 polyhydramnioses. Compared to non-diabetes pregnant woman high 10 times, may cause the fetal membrane to break and to prematurely deliver .3 course of childbirth extensions early, may present the course of childbirth stagnation and the postpartum hemorrhage and so on .4 cuts open the belly the production rate to increase .5 huge formation rates to increase. Causes the difficult labor, the birth injury by obstetrician's instruments and the fetal deaths formation rate increases .6 fetal anomaly rate to increase in .7 embryo palaces the growth retardation. Causes in the embryo palace poverty-stricken, makes suffocation rate to increase, has the ischemia anoxic brain illness seriously, the carry-over nervous system sequela .8 increases the embryo mortality rate .9 to have the newborn hypoglycemia. May reach 50~70%, the hypoglycemia may create the irreversible harm to the newborn brain cell. May also create the low calcium blood sickness, RDS, the high bilirubinemia sickness, the red blood cell increase, the phlebothrombosis, the myocardiopathy, seperately, may have later period's influence to the filial generation, if may cause the intelligence low formation rate markup. Gestational diabetes and diabetes merge pregnancy is the identical? Not, gestational diabetes are only restricted in diabetes which the gestation period occurs,cute girls clothes, occurs after being pregnant in March,Newborn Baby Clothes, after the childbirth, restores majority of normally, only then small partial and the post-natal several years develop the vera diabetes. Before diabetes merge pregnancy was refers to the pregnancy, already to contract diabetes, or the original diabetes had not been discovered that after the pregnancy, the progress was diabetes. Because the gestational diabetes majority patient symptomlesses, the empty stomach study sugar is normal, even also in normal lower limit, therefore, examined the gestational diabetes with a standard appears is very important. Gestational diabetes screening method: Is pregnant for 24 weeks, the oral administration glucose 50 grams,(Related Articlesdiscount children's clothes (extension) a pitiful), the determination meal latter two hour blood plasma glucose content. The gestational diabetes aetiological agent is various, obese,trendy kids clothes, the meals structure unreasonable is a reason, therefore, the gestation period needs to pay attention to diet matching to be reasonable, controls the body weight growth suitably. Carries on gestational diabetes screening on time, intervenes the treatment early.

