
discount kids costumes We are the baby researcher discussed how the kindergarten teacher does do the

Along with preschool education reform unceasingly thorough, the people realized gradually should become the baby researcher to the kindergarten teacher. However, how many teacher not very clear should be engaged in the research. Some teachers embark merely from own desire, takes one kind of tool the child to treat; Some teachers to attract the guardian or the market requirement merely come to set up some topics; Some teachers from let the baby master some skill or internalize some kind of knowledge merely the angle to set up the topic. This kind of education research is obviously the tool or not the morals. Because this kind of research often take sacrifices child's development as a price, obtains the adult benefit. To this kind of research, I opposed firmly.

Actually should the pre-school education toward where development? Should be engaged in the education research how as the kindergarten teacher? Must reply why these questions first do need to be clear about the kindergarten teacher to become the researcher, the kindergarten teacher why need to do the research, the kindergarten teacher's research have any characteristic.

First, why can the kindergarten teacher become the researcher

What is the teacher? What is the kindergarten teacher? Before replying that these two questions, we occur first in 2005 during two duration matters. Several academicians submit the proposal, thought that should stop in the use current curriculum reform the compulsory education mathematics curriculum standard. When acceptance ' Guangming Daily ' reporter interview, academician Jiang Boju said that the current mathematics curriculum standard has the question,discount kids costumes, its question lies in the change to be too big, as if pays attention to mathematics own logic system insufficiently. He believed that our country's mathematics teaching level had been very already high, only needs the trimming to the original mathematics curriculum standard, does not need to make the big adjustment. These academicians even think in mathematics discipline not to have the populace mathematics, mathematics are unable to return the life, and so on.

We first need to ponder a question: Mathematician and mathematics educationalist, mathematics teacher's difference in where?

Mathematics teacher and the mathematician, is mathematics educationalist an identical? Can the first-class mathematician guarantee that is the first-class mathematics educationalist? If has the difference, then their difference in where? Since long, our country's education take the discipline as a center, but this is only one kind of superficial phenomenon, its in-depth's thing lies in through the discipline exerts the society to the education the control, because the discipline was considered that is the objective truth. Under this kind of pattern, the experts think a person, so long as will understand mathematics to understand mathematics education. I do not agree with this viewpoint, because the mathematician and mathematics teacher are completely different two concept 0.1 have the remarkable achievement mathematician in mathematics aspect not necessarily to be able to teach the elementary school one, second grade's mathematics courses, but these not well-known mother possibly wants the score scientist in this aspect to do well. Has many people in the analysis, why does the American student's mathematics level such miss, why are the American students making the mathematics problems aspect to be unable with the Chinese student ratio. Some people have made an investigation, discovered that the US grade teacher's average mathematics level is lower than our country middle-school student's average mathematics level. The teachers, how the student will not be able to meet? To a certain extent, mathematics teacher's state-of-art will affect the teaching level. But simultaneously we must understand that mathematics teacher's teaching level, the education wisdom is not has become with his mathematics knowledge is being related. Mathematician, mathematics educationalist and mathematics teacher, although understands mathematics, but their object of study is different, they guard the benefit is also different.

Then we must ponder the question is: Teacher and guardian's difference in where?

The teacher and in the guardian mind has the child, therefore, somewhat overseas educational expert teacher's responsibility, teacher's role understanding is one kind substitutes parents' work. Substituted parents' work this point to highlight teacher occupation moral, the value and significant. But, the teacher and the guardian understood that child's reason degree, the specialized degree is different. Certain guardians thought that the correct idea and the procedure speaking of the child are not necessarily good, by now the pedagogue could not cater to guardian's request simply absolutely.

Many guardians did not know that actually anything to the child is good, but follows blindly in society's some tidal current,Dota Items, causes the child to become one kind of tool. For instance, lets the child carry the Tang poem end word day in day out, studies English, does some machinery training. These behaviors to child's advantage and significance in where? Actually does this kind train does have the profit to the child? I believed that if certain behaviors love truly for the baby, adapted the intrinsic demand which the baby develops, responded the baby potential silent summon, that is certainly good; But, if these behaviors are only the adult reward make the cause, punishes makes the threat the exterior strengthening, but take sacrifices the child naively joyful as the price, that is cannot tolerate absolutely. Therefore, the teacher the understanding must be longer-term than some to child development the family, deep somewhat, the teacher wants to give the guardian the essential instruction.

Finally we also need to ponder a question: Similarly is the specialized worker, the teacher and attorney, doctor's difference in where?

After some university well-known economic professor's bad behavior by media to make public, he not only cannot continue to teach, even cannot in the school foothold. If the similar matter occurs in a doctor on the body, the hospital possibly will not dismiss him, the patient no longer possibly will not ask him to see a doctor. The reason that will have the such different result, will be because both's specialty will touch the distinction will be the individual soul and the human body 0.1 people, if wants to touch other people's soul, must first achieve own soul is clean. A teacher's specialized important characteristic is pays attention to energetic domain 0.1 to have the specialized accomplishment teacher not only to have the education wisdom, but must have the high moral standard. The teacher specialized accomplishment obtains a good development basic premise is, teacher's specialized right to independence, the specialized dignity earns the respect.

From the above analysis, the basic conclusion which we obtain is: The teacher is the child researcher. The kindergarten teacher should pay attention to the research baby, deepens itself unceasingly to the baby the understanding, gives the baby unceasingly more cares, from this causes own wisdom and the moral synchronization grows, integrates mutually grows.

First, the education must respect each child development the distinctive quality, this requests the teacher to become the child researcher inevitably.

The reason that the teacher has the specialized accomplishment and establishes the specialized dignity in the specialized accomplishment foundation, is because the teacher understands the child. Why said that the teacher understands the child? Because the teacher is studying the child all day. For example. When the children asked a question time, the teacher association knew why he did ask such question, this question and the beforehand question have any relation, has anything to be different, he possibly will ask in the future also any question, and so on. The teacher not only conducts the research to each child, moreover is very clear to each child's history. The education and the factory processing is dissimilar, if the teacher wants to become own behavior the education behavior, must pay attention to child's individual difference, but the factory processing does not need to pay attention to the difference, processes the product must conform to the unification specification, does not conform to the specification is the second quality item. The education and plant production's biggest difference lies in it is pays attention to the common traits, the universality, the identity, but is pays attention to individual the difference. Does not have the distinctive quality not to educate. If only then pays attention to the distinct thought is the education thought that only then pays attention to the distinct education is education in the true sense, then who pays attention to each child's distinctive quality, who most has the condition to pay attention to each child's distinctive quality? Has two kind of people: Guardian and teacher. Therefore, if we for are respect the education understanding each child development the distinct behavior, is takes root in child development, then the teacher must become the child researcher.

Next, the teaching first is the teacher and the child cooperates the inquisition discipline process, this requests the teacher to become the child researcher inevitably.

The teacher and the discipline expert's difference lies in: The discipline expert take the discipline discovery and the creation as an occupation; Teaches U the coin to discover that the discipline to child's significance, then creates child's discipline is a mission. Therefore, the teacher has inserted himself to the discipline research to the child the understanding.

The discipline expert does the work not to need to understand child psychology, but the teacher does not understand child's psychology to be unable to do the work. Therefore, mathematician when offers an opinion to mathematics curriculum standard, must consider that mathematics discipline development needs anything, must consider, if the children future will not work as the mathematician wants to study mathematics, but can also consider adult's mathematics and child's mathematics difference in where. The teacher in inquired into when some discipline must understand the child, has not inserted this kind of understanding the research not to be able to be called the research. Teacher's research and the non-teacher's research's biggest difference lies in whether to have inserted to the child the understanding. Therefore, teacher facing some discipline time, must ponder three questions throughout: First, I have what kind of understanding to this content (view)? Through to this question's ponder, the teacher and the discipline fuses; Second, if the child studies this content, possibly will have what kind of understanding? In pondered this question time, the teacher and the child fuse; Third, when the child has own idea time to this content,(Related Articleskids clothes The treasure diary 59 issues rumble), I can provide what kind of help, thus causes child's idea by to develop high-level preliminarily? How my idea and does child's idea interact? Thus, teacher, discipline and child three fusion - - Trinity.

Once more, the teaching or the teacher and the child cooperate the inquisition life process, this also requests the teacher to become the child researcher.

The teacher is not only own life inquirer, is also the inquirer who the child lives. The teacher has teacher's life, the child has child's life, is not necessarily meaningful to the teacher meaningful life to the child, vice versa. But teacher's life also with child's life mutually is a foundation, mutual influence: Teacher's life melted child's life. Changes for child's life; Teacher's life is also deep is affecting child's life, is the child lives the healthy development basic safeguard. The teaching is not only the teacher and the child cooperates the inquisition discipline process, the teacher and the child cooperate the inquisition life process, this means that the teacher must become the researcher. The teacher already wants to inquire into the life together with the child, but must ponder how oneself does help the child in the inquisition life's process to live well. Teacher's life and child's life is two kind of different lives, but between them also has the close relation, teacher's life integrated child's life, child's life has integrated teacher's help, in this sense, teacher, if wanted to help the child to inquire into that its life style, the premise understands child's life.

In the spring, the magnolia is in full bloom, my son's teacher leads their class the child goes to the East China Normal university campus to enjoy the magnolia joyful. At that time the my son three-and-a-half years old, the East China Normal university Attached Kindergarten was reading the bottom class in kindergarten. In goes for a walk in the countryside at the qingming festival views the flowers on the return road, my son holds child's hand to recite unrestrainedly: The michelia alba, the green magnolia, the magnolia liliflora, puts together attractively! Mr./Mrs. Zhang hears him from the nursery song which arranges, is exceptionally surprised, simultaneously was pondering: Why did this child say the green magnolia? Clearly only then michelia alba and magnolia liliflora two kinds! In gets off work on the road which goes home, Mr./Mrs. Zhang rides a bicycle to arrive under the michelia alba tree, gains ground looks, said inwardly: ! The michelia alba flower petal base also really can see the green faintly!

In Mr./Mrs. Zhang turns head inquired into that the green magnolia in the behavior already melted her actually to child's inquisition, because she pays attention to the child to see anything, she has taken a kindergarten teacher's research different in botanist's research. In here, the teacher practiced one kind to integrate the child the discipline, melted the inquisition which the child the human lived, the teacher has become the baby researcher. When the teacher becomes the baby researcher, its specialized accomplishment is three kind of abilities: Studies baby's ability, research discipline ability, research life ability uniting.

Second, why does the kindergarten teacher do the research

Presently, why does the kindergarten teacher want to do the research?

First, to let the baby get rid of the survival crisis, lets them in the kindergarten health, joyful and meaningful inquisition life.

A current elementary education curriculum reform's basic idea is for each student's development. This requests each pedagogues to have the intense crisis consciousness, take improves child's survival condition as the goal. Present's child faced with tertiary crisis: First, under the academic pressure, cannot sleep well, the healthy right is eliminated. Because entered a higher school the competition already to extend to the elementary school and the kindergarten 0.2 cannot fully the movement, the game, the participation social practice, the life right is eliminated. Because in adult's idea, baby's life is unimportant, studies is well most important 0.3 cannot express own idea, inquired into the right is eliminated. Because baby's thought was considered that is weak. The kindergarten teacher needs to establish and to realize such faith in the research: The baby needs the health today, lives joyfully, today needs freely the inquisition and the expression.

Next, to cause the kindergarten teacher to establish the specialized dignity, enjoys the work, enjoys the teaching.

One of life biggest tragedies is in the work by the disassimilation. If the kindergarten teacher is not engaged in the research, does not carry on the rational resonsideration to own work, does not send from own work studies the baby and the understanding baby, is only revolves mechanically in the work, not only will give oneself to bring the tragedy, will also bring the tragedy to the baby. As the teacher, is not so long as professional might, but must reconsider own teaching whether to bring the negative influence to the baby. If the teacher wants to enable itself to get rid of the survival crisis, the establishment specialized dignity, needs to learn to study, enjoys the teaching in the research, found the pleasure in the teaching.

Once more, to cause the kindergarten to form own unique culture.

The kindergarten culture is in each kindergarten the teacher and baby's unique life style, in ~~SJLN the material culture, energetic cultural and system culture unification. The kindergarten, the school has the knowledge, the creation culture place, but is not the storage, cellaring and transmission culture place. In the education the most dangerous phenomenon is the thought and the motion uniform. Once the thought and the motion uniform, the education has vanished. In the kindergarten the most precious atmosphere is free, free does not indulge, the game freedom and the game rule complement one another. The teacher to baby's instruction does not mean limits baby's freedom, but for baby's freedom. The teacher establishes the custom for the baby time, must first question: What nature custom is this? Must ponder that child's spiritual growth needs anything. The education is one spirit grows, free is the spirit grows most may the precious factor. We must create one culture and the system, lets the baby enjoy the spirit in the kindergarten to be free, free express thoughts.

Then, which characteristics does the kindergarten teacher's research have?

First, the kindergarten teacher's research is in instructs the baby to be engaged in the game, the life, the movement, in the exploration process carries on. Is separated from the kindergarten the scene, does not have baby's sound and own sound, such research pointed is not strong, the value is not big. The kindergarten teacher's research is one kind of inserting teaching research. The kindergarten teacher's teaching is in itself one kind of research. The kindergarten teacher's research instructs child's activity with it to merge into one organic whole, inalienable.

Second, the kindergarten teacher's research is one kind of action research - - take improves the practice as the goal research. This kind of research integrates in the motion, because the motion and to move, but is not the so-called pure research.

Third, the kindergarten teacher's research is fills the sound the research. This kind of research has filled the kindergarten teacher's sound, has filled baby's sound. The kindergarten teacher's research has the story research, the story is bright. When composes the story, must say baby's name as far as possible. When the story content involves the baby privacy, uses the alias the way to compose. Listens to the story, develops the story, tells the story, writes the story the process, is educates the baby the process.

Third, how should the kindergarten teacher do the research

One day, after the dinner, I with spouse, in my family is in the plot takes a walk. My spouse looks that under foot's lawn, looking pensive asks: Why is the roadside grass much longer than the lawn inside grass? I ponder a while, be pleased said: Washy which the roadside topography is low, rains or when irrigation stores up, therefore the roadside grass's is much longer than lawn inside grass. Next day, I and the son take a walk together, I asked the similar question, had not thought he escapes IZI: The roadside grass is suffering the stone, cuts grass the machine cut not to arrive!

Through this example, we may see the baby is also the knowledge inventor, to a question, he completely possibly creates own tentative plan, own answer. The baby creates the knowledge first has the intrinsic value to the baby himself, at the same time, the baby creates the child culture and the adult culture enhance one another's beauty the question which 0.1 are worth thinking deeply are: The baby creativity, the morals and is the individuality development, actually the process which grows out of nothing, process a from infancy to maturity? At present occupies the dominant position the education values to believe that child's developing process is the process which grows out of nothing, the child is completely empty, first masters pile of knowledge under teacher's professor, then its creativity, the morals, the individuality can obtain the development. In fact, child's individuality development is process a from infancy to maturity, the child today in the creation knowledge, the creation culture, he only then on zetetic is studying today, is living, tomorrow can become one to have the creative adult. The child is by a little scientific wife and children philosophy wife and children artist growth is a big scientist, big philosopher, big artist. Is good at to the child studying, only then has the qualifications to educate the child.

Then, how should the kindergarten teacher specifically do the research?

(1) kindergarten teacher does the research the general request: Carries on the observation to the child, listens attentively, description, resonsideration

Does the teacher first want to observe earnestly and to listen attentively, why focuses on the baby has such performance why to have such behavior why to have such language why to have such phenomenon. Next must describe and the resonsideration carefully, when the description must little fix a price the value judgment, little did not say; Little uses the expression which as far as possible to the baby tells, multipurpose inquisition expression.

The teacher in the observation, listens attentively, when description, resonsideration baby's thought and behavior, must first pay attention to each individual the distinctive quality, the complexity, must have the complex spiritual 0.1 babies to see far you must be much more complex than, imagines you must be much more complex than, therefore, must certainly unearth child development thoroughly the complexity.

The teacher also wants to pay attention to between individual the difference, the multiplicity, the relations, must have the continuous spirit. The human or the thing are one kind of relational existence, has its own life history, and lives in the specific life situation.

In education many questions are the practical question, but is not the theoretical question. The one who solves these problems depending on is the consideration, but is not the theory speculation. Solves these question plan not to and the wrong discrimination, only then appropriate and inappropriate discrimination. Therefore, the Education administrative department in popularizes time the models must be very prudent. For instance, some kindergarten carried on the read-write activity, the effect has been very ideal, but we could not summon that everybody came to study. Because of certain management pattern, the educational model looked that resembles has the universal significance. But is only the specific teacher's specific behavior in fact. The education question is a practical question in the final analysis, but each practice situation is unique. Therefore, we must popularize the models prudently.

Renowned heredity scholar Barbara , Macclintock said: Two plants have not been resemble completely, they are completely different. Therefore you must find out that kind of differenceI observe the rice seedling not to be able to leave it from the very beginning. If I do not have to observe this plant, I felt that I cannot understand its story truly. Therefore I understand in the field each plant. I understand them closely, and I discovered that understood they have the enormous pleasure. This is educates the thought that the attention distinctive quality. The kindergarten teacher when does the research, may choose in the class a child, observes continuously to its daily life and records from one to two years. The teacher must sink the heart to come, comes with the very patient manner to observe carefully and to listen attentively, lets the baby displays fully own behavior and the thought that lets the phenomenon speak, lets the baby speak.

(2) kindergarten teacher does the research the general way

Way one: Studies baby's mind

Studies each baby's unique mind, is the kindergarten teacher's eternal topic. This may carry on from two aspects: First, how is the baby has own thought in the specific situation, the creation knowledge? The baby can the mark which likes with oneself, expresses own thought smoothly. The teacher when studies the baby, should not rigidly adhere to adult's judgment, but must pay attention to the baby to inquire into that active the significance, pays attention to baby's thinking mode, pays attention to the baby to construct the significance the course. Second, how does the baby experience the world in the specific situation? The baby is living in the experience, the baby was precisely has found the life significance in the experience. The teacher when does the research must be good at observing, not only need inquire into baby's thought that the idea, but must unearth baby's experience and consummates, like this can educate and the research merges into one organic whole.

Way two: Studies baby's work

The baby and baby's work is merges into one organic whole, carries on to a baby's work longitudinal studies continually, is important aspect which the teacher studies. This requests the teacher to be good at accumulating baby's work.

Way three: Studies oneself - - teacher's autobiography

Does the teacher through the self-resonsideration, how discuss himself to inquire into the world together with the baby, the experience world.

Way four: Studies the colleague - - teacher biography research

How does the teacher study own colleague to inquire into the world together with the baby, the experience world, according to the above further understands the colleague, oneself and baby.

Way five: Studies the kindergarten - - to narrate the kindergarten story

The kindergarten is the teacher and baby's family, studies the kindergarten narrates the homeland story. The teacher may through let the baby narrate where kindergarten story - - he is at to be happiest, once had had the negative experience in where, and completes according to the above the kindergarten the genuine playground.

In brief, the kindergarten teacher in does time the research should pay attention: how does (1) baby is create the knowledge? This need teacher describes the baby to create the knowledge in detail the process; is (2) in a activity, what baby's experience? This need teacher unearths baby's experience thoroughly; (3) when the baby has own knowledge or the experience,baby gear, what have I made? How can I do? How does my colleague is also do? This need teacher the observation which and the description does to oneself carries on the resonsideration.

Therefore, the kindergarten teacher does the research the process, is creates and narrated that the baby and the kindergarten teacher own story's process, is the baby and the kindergarten teacher communal development process. Let us create and narrate our story with own mind.

