
baby boutique Bottom class in kindergarten semester summary

Bottom class in kindergarten semester summary preschool education resources jy135.com I the class has the baby 31 people, the boy 16 people, the girl 15 people, these child individuality lively open and bright, but the individuality is bright, through a school year's kindergarten study life, each children had the very big progress, this semester each work soon ended, when the children soon complete the bottom class in kindergarten kindergarten study task, we look back on has done the work,baby boutique, the lessons learned, the resonsideration insufficiency, for better completes the later work, improves the protection and education quality, ' the summary ' the spirit will implement to first moves, promotes the baby body and mind to be lively, healthy development, presently this semesterThe work summary is as follows:

In the education teaching profession, we analyze this class of child situation, according to ' the summary ' and the new teaching material request, works out the semester work plan earnestly, arranges each activity, has carried out the richly colorful pedagogical activity, has completed nearly ten theme activities successively, widened children's field of vision, helped them to obtain the rich experience of life, for the auxiliary theme activity, meanwhile has organized the meaningful community activity, for example: I the elder sister study to elder brother, I love my family, I work as the People's Liberation Army, welcome new year the fashionable clothing release conference, the work is most honorable and so on, receives the good effects. We pay great attention to play class's and grade's environment role, the regular replacement class's and grade's subject wall content, opens the little world which for the child begins, uses class's and grade's small column fully, the small angular region, enables them to have begins to move brain's place. Moreover, our class also developed the class and grade teaching to observe and emulate, English teaching observed and emulated, the morning exercise performed,(Related Articlesstyle kids clothes Child's healthy development aga), the guardian open date activity, the reception practice moved two people, obtained the observing and emulating high praise. A half year has passed by, they also had the very big progress in various aspects, simultaneously, has won guardian's trust.

In the medical care aspect, our class pays great attention the protection and education to pay equal attention to, cared carefully each baby, considers their life, provides the hygienic comfortable life learning environment for them. Every day according to requests to carry on the conventional disinfection strictly, does the cleaning; An earnest organization good child's two meal spot; Manages good child's on first to live; Coordinate health care doctor completes the public health work. In garden hygienic comparison, obtains the very high appraisal.

In the homeland work, we always positive on own initiative exchange contacting with the guardian, the earnest organization holds the parents' meeting, to the guardian introduced promptly the kindergarten working condition and the child in the garden situation, understand the child to the guardian in the home situation. We also promptly provide some information paper using the guardian field to the guardian, helps the guardian momentarily to find out the class and grade situation. Regarding has the question child,toddler little girls clothes, exchanges the opinion promptly with the guardian, obtains the consistent education method. Through one year homeland relation,kids clothing, between we and the guardian have established the harmonious friendly relations, has won guardian's trust, the praise and the support.

In present's work we as always, take the child as the centers, take the work as a center of gravity, completes the class and grade work earnestly, increases the brilliance for the kindergarten big collective!

