
girls coats 15 year old young girl scolds by the mother jumps down three buildings to become the sev

Mother does not go to school dies 15 year-old young girl to jump down 3 buildings

The being injured girl pelvis and the left hand carpal bone booklet, the good fortune has not injuried and the important spot

Because does not want to go to school, but has the dispute with the parents. In quarrel process, because the mother cursed angrily one: Does not go to school you to die,(Related ArticlesDota South Luan literary three flowers), currently 15 year-old small Monday shove open the window, jumped to jump from 3rd the floor family.

According to the official crosses public security sub-bureau date new local police station police Ruan Wensheng to introduce, yesterday about 3:00 pm, the date new village freeze point value is defending the security sees a form to leap suddenly from the building, layer on layer pounded immediately in ground. The security runs immediately examined that sees only one to wear the tinted T-shirt,girls coats, the light blue jeans' young girl lies down in ground, his/her parents were already silly on the scene. The security reported immediately the situation to the local police station.

After receiving a telegram, the Ruan police officer rushes to the scene immediately, delivers neighbor with young girl's parents it a Private hospital to carry on together the treatment, at that time the young girl already the stupor, the left skill assumed the font. After carrying on the simple inspection, this Private hospital expression enough medical equipment treatment, has not suggested to transfer to another hospital. Therefore, the Ruan police officer lets the parents carry on the back the child immediately to transfer to another hospital.

Although the Ruan police officer wears the uniform, but he blocks as soon as the taxi driver looks has the wounded, has rejected them by each reason. The Ruan police officer have to drives the speed only 30 yards storage battery cars to escort to the young girl the Air hospital. Under police's coordinated, the hospital turned on the green passage to carry on the treatment immediately for the child.

It is known that the young girl is surnamed the week, this year 15 years old, the kiaokia person, is the Kunming some middle school second day's student. When it happened, young Zhou had two weeks not to go to the school to attend class. Yesterday, because went to school the question,Dota Heroes, young Zhou and the parents have had the dispute once more. Because young Zhou regarding went to school the incident still to express the rejection. In is mad extremely, the mother cursed angrily one not to go to school you to die! Who would imagine small surroundings: Dies dies! Then shoves open the window, jumped to jump from 3rd the floor family.

Yesterday about 5:00 pm, when reporter when the Air hospital sees young Zhou, already sobered she full is the thick regret. Young Zhou said that because to go to school is not interested, also cannot study, therefore already two weeks did not go to the school. She has expressed to the parents, oneself want to go to study the cosmetology to style hair,Dota Items, but the parents request her to attend the junior middle school to be able to study. The day before yesterday was late, the small thorough Internet bar has played an all night game, because played too earnestly, she the telephone which hit the parents has not met. Finally, after going home, she had the dispute with the parents, the parents has requested her to return to the school once more to study, but stubborn young Zhou rejected. Mother said that does not study lets me die, I was indignant for a while jumped. Now, young Zhou is very regretted regarding the rash behavior, also expressed that is very unfair to own parents.

According to doctor said that young Zhou now pelvis and left hand carpal bone booklet, but quite lucky has not injuried and the important spot, also does not need the surgery, treats a half month later then may leave the hospital.

