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The study processing conflict, oneself experience gains and gives.

2nd, when baby as a result of own behavior, but is not welcome time, the guardian involves promptly again. In the child felt most uncomfortable time helps him to discover the reason and the countermeasure. The baby sociabled the nature to make them to be very by now easy to accept the baby to practice these skills gradually, thus became gradually the human who welcome.

4th,(Related Articleskids sweater How to receive kindergarten teacher the family visit), in the daily life, the parents should set a good example,real baby dolls, wants loud from the positive kindergarten speech. Mother the syzygy spot said. Is loud. Child some not satisfied honk. Lies, teachers told me .....

Small Beijing has been bullied in the kindergarten by the child, she does not dare to revolt, only then gets in the home to relate to mother, mother encourages her brave, but she does not dare.


I want to speak loudly, can how also not be able to say. Also wants to play a happiness,new born baby accessories, may be not good. This is child's mood. The question lies in this kind of phenomenon only to appear in the kindergarten 0.1 gets the home, he speaks the sound has been loud, the body also revolved freely. Why has such in a big way in the kindergarten and in the home different? This is because some children are too sensitive to the kindergarten collective life's pressure,children's clothes, has one kind of depression. Displays appears the courage is small, cannot let loose the hands and feet, facing the combative quite strong child, fears very much at heart, is bullied does not dare to revolt.

Parent-child suggestion:

1st, encouraged the child to bully the human the child saying that I did not like you doing this, you like this, I am again impolite and so on. The child initial bullies the behavior is experimental, when this behavior encounters the revolt, he certainly will restrain some.

2nd, next, teaches the child several unique skills is also improves the child public relations status the strategy. The child often worships ability compared to the strong person, therefore, teaches the child in the spare time some skills.

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Food itself cannot enhance the intelligence. Includes Vitamin B food, for instance the meat, the fish, the peanut and so on, may help the promotion cerebrum thought the process, the relieve fstigue. In the morning eats an orange to be possible one to be full of vigor all day.

Our daily food, has then decided one day-long state of mind. Certain foods must enhance us to accept ability and the working efficiency, causes our thought to be agiler, energy collection Canada.

Is helpful in memory food:

The apple includes the rich zinc, may strengthen the memory, the promotion thought is active.

The carrot can enhance the memory,kids clothing brands, because the carrot can speed up cerebrum's metabolism function.

The pineapple is the fruit which the actor and the musician most likes, because recites the lines and the music, needs to supplement many Vitamin C.

Moreover, the pineapple includes one kind of important trace element manganese, moreover the quantity of heat are few.

The fats are the human body heat energy important origin, is also the fat soluble Vitamin carrier. Fats including fat and kind of fat. The fat contains must the fatty acid supply be possible the immediate influence cerebrum function;

A kind of fat contains the lecithin has the very big help to person's memory. Therefore, the multi-food may enhance the memory obviously including lecithin food.

Is helpful in people enterprise successful food:

The hot pepper more respects is better. Its flavor can stimulate in the human body to pursue the successful hormone. Respects the pepper should better to be eats uncooked.

Strawberry taste US, moreover can eliminate the tense mood. In strawberry's pectin can let the human have the comfort, every day most little eats 150 grams strawberries to be able to serve the anticipated purpose.

Banana's secret weapon lies in includes the blood serum element, it has the successful consciousness to person's cerebrum is essential. In addition, the banana contains each kind of Vitamin and the potassium richly.

Can raise the study efficiency food:

The banana can help the cerebrum to make one chemical composition - - blood serum element, this material can stimulate the nervous system, to promotes cerebrum's function to be of great advantage.

The cabbage can reduce person's tense mood, causes the study becomes relaxed (e.g. before test).

The lemon can make the human to be energetic, enhances accepts ability (this is as a result of the Vitamin C function).

Is helpful in centralism energy food:

The sea chela shrimp is may provide the nutrition for the cerebrum the delicious food.

The sea chela shrimp includes 3 kind of important fatty acids supply the nutrient which the human body needs, can cause the person long time maintains the energy is centralized.

The onion may eliminate the hypertension and the psychological exhaustion.

The onion may dilute the blood, thus improvement cerebrum oxygen supply condition. Every day most little eats half onion, then can play this kind of role.

The walnut is copes with needs the long time centralism energy (e.g. to give a speech, holds a meeting, to conduct concert as well as long-distance drives) ideal food.

Is helpful in stimulates food which the human creates:

The ginger can cause person's mentality to be open, this is mainly Jiang who it contains Song the element and the volatile oil function. It can enable the blood to obtain the dilution, the flowing is more unimpeded,children's clothes, supplies more oxygen to the cerebrum.

Adds the ginger frequently to newsman, artist especially important.

The parsley can arouse person's inspiration. The parsley contains the volatile oil can stimulate person's entire nervous system, this has the rich innovation thought premise.

The child partial eclipse, eats between-meal snack is randomly the phenomenon which the guardians have a headache very much,prada kids shoes, the partial eclipse may cause the child nutrition to take in not balanced, affects the child to grow the growth, is very big to child's intelligence growth influence.

Following receives between-meal snack which the child welcome to very much let the child especially little eat.

Indicated including the caffeine drink research that the long clothing may be happy, the coffee and so on will include the caffeine drink to have the disturbance to person's memory, may also have the hyperactive.

The chewing gum chewing gum includes the plasticizer, the plasticizer metabolite phenol is very influential to the nervous system and the cerebrum,(Related ArticlesKids Clothes Time of childbirth mother prevents pu), chews the chewing gum to be possible frequently to cause the child intelligence to drop.

The puffed rice puffed rice contains the lead quantity to be very high, human body lead content exceeding the allowed figure is enormous to person's cerebrum cell and the nervous system influence. The child must avoid the edible puffed rice as far as possible.

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This card I formed in one's mind to be very long, I was thinking that this article was writes the basic level to introduce primarily, wrote by Mondor primary capturing primarily, if were the basic level said that did not need to write that rigorously, if were primary captures, must have the quite specialized knowledge and the writing style, how to manage? How to manage? Finally, I had thought satisfies both sides the method, is synthesizes them, writes a comparison to have the persuasive power, also contains has the entire aspect to introduce entire game captures <<<======== this to apparent is the defective sentence, does not matter, what I mainly express is the thought that was also you said------------The girl must have the connotation.

Why can my card's name use by Mondor to look at the world? Why is Mondor? But is not the skeleton soldier, is not the archer, is not the forum moderator wet nurse? Because Mondor is the hero who my first plays, is also one which of most heroic I play, most importantly, I discover play Mondor, can cause own basic skills changes is good. Mondor's Q, is also in the fable the kitchen knife, is annoying, specially on online mixes, 4 seconds fling one time, but also do not have the black magic consumption, the bird is not greatly falls a blood, but after others have hit,unique gifts for kids, decelerates reduces the blood, does the human gets angry. Can the question in here,new born baby accessories, how let the kitchen knife project on the human

How can let the kitchen knife project on the human?

Kitchen knife's flying speed is quick, so long as has aimed, loses again, can opposite party, how the question be aims? Mondor before throwing the knife to have the preparation movement, this preparation movement, is for an opposite party signal-----------The father takes a kitchen knife to throw on your face, certainly opposite party may also defer to this signal to carry on fends--------Does not throw to you, hits me, I on inexpensive ~

Must want to throw opposite party, must judge opposite party to walk the position, like chart:

Xth, Mondor, O is opposite party, the black arrow is both sides walks, the deficit trend is the direction which the Mondor kitchen knife flies, the kitchen knife throws toward his line of march's front spot, after such kitchen knife flies, just hits, many people will say, after others will see your knife, the reversed direction will not run? At least inside the primary bureau not, will be he who you will compel runs toward the reversed direction, this will have is called the jamming, will compel him to trade other one kind of line of march, will pursue person's time will use frequently.

However, this is only a move, moreover is the basic level, Mondor's kitchen knife cannot put on the soldier, i.e., front has soldier's words, will block kitchen knife's flying route, therefore will make up knife's time, suddenly alternates the past, will bypass the soldier next to the skin to throw is also one kind loses kitchen knife's way.

What in the enemy the knife later should you do? By rights should come up chops, certainly, this was only to the hero who has not controlled the skill, after you have thrown, opened 3 skills immediately, remembered, the earlier period on 1,3 skill syzygies, 6 levels of later will study next 2 skills again, 1 level of 3 skills, the storm will strike later may hit the nearly 200 blood, what concept was this? As soon as everybody comes out generally also on about more than 500 blood to 800 blood, explodes 200 unusual force, lets the human be unexpected, when opposite party discovered that he spells, but, wants to run, without enough time, kitchen knife CD had been already quick, the infinite deceleration + falls the blood, in addition pursues chops, already dies highly.

However, if does opposite party have the control skill, what result Mondor is throwing a kitchen knife on impatiently to pursue is? Makes a supposition, supposition Mondor in the middle of the mill, has thrown an archer kitchen knife, also hit, then Mondor pursued,cute little girls clothes, the archer frightened runs toward the fort, only missed shortly must kill, therefore managed him 3721, pursued in the fort firing distance scope, finally,(Related Articlestoddler toys Macao 70% kindergarten middle and elementary schools implement free), the archer turned around big, in addition iced the sword to select you, the sur- fort's attack, several died directly. Actually, this kind of situation occurs frequently, Mondor is opening in a big way, adds the blood to accelerate, the self-sensation is good, finally crashes in the fort to chase down and kill, is controlled by others each kind dies, jumps over the tower murder tower murder, the novice frequently Fan's mistake, jumps over the tower, first is must be able to kill the human, what can't kill to the human you jumps over the tower to do? Next, killed people, you must calculate your loss, oneself team's loss, Mondor takes -and-a-half a tank occupation, what runs is quickest, is also the leader, you lead everybody to crash in Tarry, has killed 1 individual, oneself have hung 3, is a very not cost-effective matter very obviously, therefore, did not want in a big way, the brains gave off heat.

Also has a quite important thing is, recalls the blood is greatly defers to the percentage to return, returns, although many, but still requires the time to carry on the restoration, you cannot in the time which must die with the big move, like this very much has the possibility not to be able to return. And has also wasted the acceleration attribute. Best means are, before fighting, visible one's own side prepares, opens directly opens 2 skills greatly toward overshooting, the line becomes the powerful alternation, others hit you not to be able to kill quite a while, but you may alternate in fast opposite party troop, kills human who you need to kill, generally is kills dps and numerous star this kind of wet nurse first. Certainly, this method is not easy to use inside the master bureau, you flush others direct second to kill you, because Mondor has not exempted the injury the skill, does not have the dizzy skill, or therefore Mondor in the master bureau is generally the tragedy the cash machine.

However or as novice primary contestant, suggested that very much uses Mondor, one is may play the nature to be high, plays the game, on a chart happiness, moreover is uses Mondor who above me said that can see and learn others not to look, cannot learn the thing, he is the close combat after all, also frequently in enemy deep place, moreover can also lead the person declare war on, does not look like other heroes to be so stodgy, is unitary. When your which day practices thought Mondor when the game is a waste, Mondor's duty has also completed, explained that you already entered the next stage, that attacks top500.

Finally, I already promoted from beforehand vegetable B high-quality vegetable B, later everybody will run into me in the game, very much will greet.

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Had eaten this morning just meal, mother gives me to dress neatly, the preparation leads me to go to the hospital physical examination body, because of me immediately on six months. We arrive at the hospital before long the son guaranteed the branch, doctor said: Comes,kids toys, lets me measure the body weight first. Then I sit on the scale, two microcheirias grabbed the arm rest, a while doctor said: Good, the body weight is 9.9 kilograms, measures the height is how many again. Above mother just placed me, I think a little the urgency of urination, called several,(Related Articlesfashion kids clothing Has a look together), mother to be busy at asking when doctor my situation, had not discovered my unusuality,kids shoes, could not hold in really I, released all of a sudden, urinated completely to had just put in clothes, almost splashed doctor who measured the height for me on the body. Mother hurried to doctor saying:Sorry, does not do right by really. Doctor smiled unexpectedly said: Is all right, the child is this, wants to do anything to do anything, this is his freedom. Your son's height will be 67.5cm. these inspections from now on, doctor was open for business the bill saying:Draws blood analyzes. Mother led me to go to the inspection room, a passing through the gate aunt smiled kindly to me, I also smile to her. Mother hugs me to sit in aunt the opposite, sees only aunt to take a sharp point's thing to grip on my finger, one kind of ache's feeling wells up, loves me to cry wah wah to call straight. Before long, mother took doctor who the lab results looked guarantee the branch, doctor is telling mother saying:Your son height is lower than 1 centimeter the average, the body weight is obese, after going back, needs to practice much crawls, do not stand are too many,baby boutique, is disadvantageous to child's growth, the trace element result will have the result next week. My finally physical examination.


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Direct seeding address: CZY direct seeding channel

Corps introduction:

TBA establishes in 09 year in October. At that time a group which is composed of Monkey and a AV2 squad. At that time has established the HM trade union behind YMT. But because at that time we liked DOTA. nobody being willing to manage the trade union. Moves into the Nick trade union. At that time slightly played the family by several dozens. Sets up several hundred person of big group. Because we once won the trade union memorial tablet champion diligently. Second place. Also goes to other trade unions to play the multiple star match. Also wins the good position. Also many times fights with the professional team .TBA to have such honor, cannot leave us greatly great,baby accessories, the left hand and so on some major team,best kids toys, we will attend the exhibition match on behalf of Nick, splits out my gate own style,(Related Articlesdesigner baby clothes The trade achieves remarkabl), I must let everybody know that TBA knows the Nick trade union, knew that Nick knows TBA.

zh from WCG2010 Wuhan contest area DOTA happy good champion Dn main force. Cy, Memories, AdreamNotafraid from Ipin in WCG2009 Chengdu contest area 4, Ipin contest area 1.th, although we are not best, but we will strive for to make (Rc.Bob.zhRc.Bob.Cy to lead a group Rc.Bob.Memories strongly dot Rc, Bob~AdreamRc.Bob.clarke009Rc.Bob.leoRc.Bob.Notafraid)

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Summer,baby girls, what I and son's life is really very rich, also very in addition kind, in other children are being busy studies each kind of interest class time, my son Huang Zun experience life well, as the saying goes: A room does not sweep He Yisao the world. How therefore I do want to teach the son today to sweep the floor! Takes for granted, the son looked that I sweep the floor daily think am very simple, from the very beginning wants to begin, simply not the opportunity which opens the mouth to me,(Related Articlestippy toes baby socks [novel]Dog of product disast), just took the broom to have the mold to have the type, but really must sweep, looks like broom star Mr., takes the broom in airborne to stroll? Obviously, swept from the very beginning compares does not sweep dirtier, for did not attack son's enthusiasm,baby gift, I have not dared to criticize him, how bore the temper to teach him to grasp the broom, then let him sweep slowly again. The final result is also it can be imagined, he was sweeps, but the floor was very dirty, but I praised him, said that he was very fierce, the son was also very happy, and so on daddies went home, but also taking undeserved credit continuously,coach kids shoes, said: I will also do the housework!

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The son is very thin, the appetite is not good. Each time I carry leave the meal, he seems takes a drug is the same, dawdles, that bowl of foods ate a half hour only then to eat less than half side. Did not have patience me to tidy up the table anxiously, had to let him slide the dining table, treats had when the evening meal lets him appease hunger by the milk bread.

Last Sunday, gentleman was leading me, the child visited high school schoolmate who he many years did not see? Schoolmate's wife is kindergarten teacher, refined, has the patience, very understands baby's psychology. My son passes through the gate less than ten minutes, stuck with her has gotten up: She from the son clothes' superhuman design is the topic, has pried open son's mouth, discusses very much with the son happy. Son's disposition resembles me,best toddler toys 2010, is quite introverted, likes sitting in meditation reads either the television or plays the toy. Usually sojourns besides the polite expression, very little makes noise. Today chats with aunt I also to envy hotly unexpectedly.

Most causes me to admire her, is my son's on her family dining table action.

Possibly is when passing through the gate gentleman said freely spoken the son slender does not whet the appetite, only eats between-meal snack, is not willing to eat the meal, she wrote down the heart. When eats meal, a meal end comes up, the son saw, seems the hungry tiger descends the mountain is the same,little girls clothes, carries the hors d'oeuvre to wolf down! Originally she uses a sound of flowing water dish to spread out the cooked rice, drenches her self-restraint the sour and sweet delicious ketchup, looks like little girl Bai Litou the red fat face; Puts two egg-yolk on the fat face, on the egg-yolk is decorating a black grape respectively for little girl's eye; Then puts ham intestines for girl's nose; Two big pieces slivered the meniscus the red-roast sliced meat are the big lip which the little girl exaggerated smiles; Several green vegetables make the hair, what is really color fragrance US! Looks that the such lovable meal, no wonder the son that likes! That day, is the son first time does not need us to worry about him to eat meal, also first time eats first compared to us sates the appetite, plays with schoolmate's daughter.

The family comes back from schoolmate, my very compunction! Before always blames the son not to whet the appetite, actually will not blame the meal which one will boil not to be delicious. Only considered from the nutrition angle how hasn't considered to cancel son's appetite, always the stereotypical bouillabaisse, steamed the meat, the stir-fried dish, the soup, the interest which the son has not certainly eaten meal.

From now, I also am trying change the pattern to the meal, for example,(Related Articlesgirls clothes Two days disperse five child holiday), the fish, the meat has twisted, makes the gefilte fish meatball, then the string becomes a string, lets the son take, when between-meal snack eats; The son does not like eating difficult to chew the crude fiber the vegetables, as soon as I select the textile fiber few vegetables to make the salad, son left right stutter with gusto; Loads into the beverage bottle the soup, the son eats very much happily. The son does not like eating the apple, I peeled the apple, sliver the scrap to suspend Cheng Ge to plant the shape, son a while said that ate an egg, a while said ate a triangle roof, a while said that has eaten a wheelI change unceasingly disguise the old as the new, the son to ate meal does not resemble again former hauls! Puts on weight also quickly, her grandmother does not see his 5 months, meets discovered surprised the son turned the small fat pig! Because the son increased 5 kilograms unexpectedly!

From this, I think to the child the education. Many parents, always blame the child to study lazily, does not complete the work, does not like reading, does not accept parents' educationActually, what most should blame is adult: You play mahjong noisily in the home, how to be called the child to read relieved the study? Many parents eyes watch the television, between lips were asking child's work completes does not have, the child said certainly that completed; If the parents little looked that a half hour television inspects child's work, the child also dares not to complete the work? Therefore,unique monogrammed baby gifts, do not blame the child not being unconscious, but must blame not to supervise the child. Because, amusing is person's instinct.

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Has this kind of story: Some people want to buy a cabinet, found a fame very big China carpenter, asked: Heard that your craftsmanship is very good? The Chinese carpenters reply: Where, where, compared the difference with others to be many, took really does not get rid. As soon as that person listened, then turned around to look for the American carpenter. The American carpenters do not stop show off oneself craftsmanship to be good, therefore that person has bought the cabinet finally to the American carpenters. Several days later, when he after the Chinese carpenter's shop,kids clothing, discovered surprised once more here cabinet must be much better than the American carpenters! He is relentless, why do the Chinese carpenters want saying that oneself craftsmanship is not good?
Several thousand year way of Confucius and Mencius's being contaminated, formed us to contain, in collected, generous, humble national disposition. However, in the competition intense present age society, requests the people to be able to be brave facing the opportunity, said my line loudly. Therefore,(Related Articlesgucci kids clothing Cheap cousin < swindler), raises the child self-expression the courage and the custom,kids clothing, has become a home education important content,kids clothes, approaches internally, timid child especially so.
Now the society, must let the child dare to display, starts from the guardian:
1st, expanded human relations and contact face
2nd, encourages to the special skill
3rd, creation opportunity attempt performance
4th, maintains the patience and the concern
Teaches by personal example, believed that you are teacher who the child most is worth trusting.


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When spotlight according to WCG champion body's time, some who will care about the fame not very big electron athletics contestant? In what athletics circle is really the famous contestant day can cross well, the famous contestant only has not been able to eat the steamed bun brined vegetable? Domestic dark night of demon master ForDream just was finishing in the ECL2010 second season has accepted the interview which Sina plays. Although his fame is not very resounding, but he uses the fact to tell the present situation which we an ordinary electronic athletics contestant live. Below please look at the detailed interview content.

Dark night of demon master ForDream

Sina plays: As I understand it ForDream you are graduate from Beijing some Good university's software engineering specialized, this specialized present is popular very much, why you will choose into the electronic athletics professional contestant?

ForDream: Because likes. Compares when my university's specialty, I like present's occupation. Later should not return original specialized.

Sina plays: You are one of mainland few in number dark night of demon masters, but looks like your tactic to compare in the gauge the moment, for instance hits the beastly race is the tradition blows loosely. Does not like attempting some novel fighting methods?

ForDream: Now the dark night of demon hits the beastly race repertoire few somewhat, is mainly uses the blowing also a little to use, basically is won easily with other tactical for instance deer bear. Hits the hero who the person race and not the dead race may use to be able many somewhat. Also,organic baby gifts, must look at the match with any tactic the situation, if will hit the strength slightly weak contestant quite to be safe with the conventional tactic some, if will be hits the strength compared to the strong match,girls clothes, can be partial to Yu Yongda with me to incur, such stratagem which ensures success can high somewhat.

Sina plays: You "Strive for hegemony to present Evil spirit Beast 3" the balanced state whether to satisfy?

ForDream: In the whole is quite satisfied, must find fault really as soon as the words I hope the beastly race sword Saint fatal to strike alter to only calculated that the foundation striking power did not calculate the equipment adds striking power,puma kids shoes, otherwise sword Saint on too Ottmann. In addition the competition map may also trade, lets compared to Sydow some changes.

Sina plays: Now many people thought "Evil spirit Beast Strives for hegemony 3" the variable has tailed off, ornamental also dropped. This point you whether to agree?

ForDream: Middle in fact "Evil spirit Beast Strives for hegemony 3" competes, the detail variable is many, but some play the family because possibly own level's relations cannot look in the first time.

Sina plays: For these years the electronic athletics industry has experienced the great storms, then you whether to favor the electronic athletics the future?

ForDream: Has only then developed such several years to the present electron athletics, a middle storm is very normal, much less various countries are developing the electronic athletics,(Related Articlesbaby flower girl dresses Runs about all over the c), believed that the later road will more walk is better.

Sina plays: Plays the family as the occupation, you besides play the competition now, but also what other sources of income has?

ForDream: Now I have not joined any professional team, also will not have any person to give me the wages, what mainly depending on will be the competition bonus. Except will hit competes I also to go to meet some other living, for instance will make the video frequency, or will go to the manufacturer activity to play the exhibition match, may gain a spending money depending on these.

Sina plays: Then calculated that your each month's income what state?

ForDream: Every month is counted the words, the income was probably with just graduated several year common office worker not to be similar, possibly must compared to their slightly many somewhat. I now mainly play each kind of competition, can go nearly every weekend to attend the competition, then takes the bonus. Does this mainly depends upon own strength. However cannot save any money now.

Sina plays: Then after you retire, is the plan continues in the game circle to mix? What other plans has?

ForDream: My preliminary plan hits several year occupation again, then considered that retires does other. Now retires the contestant has either met the bottleneck which some are unable to break through, either had already achieved the electronic athletics crest, for instance has attained the WCG world champion. I these two conditions are now dissatisfied, therefore the plan continues to hit.

Sina plays: When can hit the occupation probably to? 60 year old of retirement?

ForDream: (will smile) will certainly arrive that late, will be probably projects on itself not to want to hit or to have any fresh target. Before that can continue to insist that hits the occupation.

Sina plays: Then your family member supports your choice?

ForDream: The family member hoped certainly that I can look for a stable work, hits the occupation now after all stably not very, and has been too laborious, I weekend exit to play the competition usually also to train daily cannot interrupt. However even if is this, the family members very much respect me the idea.

Sina plays: Heard you "2 test in Interspace", is fighting on-line success to be quite good, then whether to prepare to reform "Interspace 2"?

ForDream: At present does not have this plan.

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The husband comes back from outside to bring back to a small house sparrow to come back, the daughter likes, asking that very much daddy is the bird which where seizes from (=@__@=)? The husband tells her is picks from outside, because the wind has blown greatly the bird from the tree down! The daughter listened to sympathize with the bird very much,(Related Articlesfunny baby bibs clothes [quick news]Loveen, Giga h), hurried to look for a paper box, put the bird, also asked that daddy bird ate any thing, the husband tells her to be possible to have the rice, the daughter hastily runs up to the kitchen to look for the rice to eat to the bird, the bird too will be what a pity small will not eat,girl dresses, the daughter opened out its mouth feeds it to eat, after finishing eating,cute little girls clothes, the daughter takes the water to let it drink. Looks that the daughter looks after a bird such carefully, such has the compassion, I comfort at heart! What a pity good times don'ts last long,girls clothes, the second day, when after the bird finished eating the thing, was not good, perhaps was it too small is too small! Left mother's attendance not to be able to survive. The daughter is very sad, has wondered the bird how to die? I will say to her did not have mother's attendance bird sooner or later to be able to die, the daughter got over an emotion finally!

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The kindergarten comes back, he always forgets to return. But because frequently insufficiently brave or other reason, makes friends the desire is very always difficult to satisfy.

Mother once please go home some children, result several children blubber, the effect is not good. Originally makes friends is one kind of ability, is needs to raise.

Mother started in the baby 2 years old to be possible to raise ability which the baby became friends.

1st,gifts for kids, the church baby and the society communicates ability in the game

Through makes the game, your child will learn with other people share to be joyful, observes the game rule. Understands plays in turn, moreover in the usual situation, they also meet politeness treatment game partner. You may try the following these activities to raise baby's ability.

Does with me

In this game, you may organize the baby who many toddle with to make various movements as you like,baby gift, these movements name by you, and performs by you, funnier is better. In order to increase some interests, you may establish some simple barriers in the entire process, gets the babies to climb over the pillow, passes through tunnel which does with the paper box, or another walks around the chair.

Picture large drawing

Encourages two or more babies paints pictures together, may use the chalk to draw on the sidewalk, or at home uses the wax pencil to draw on a paper.


Plays a music, enters into the spirit, looks that you the baby and his friend invest together dance.

The eagle seizes the chicken

This kind of very ancient game not can only strengthen baby's coordinated ability, but can also raise their team spirit.

2nd,kids shoes, when the baby makes friends encounters the difficulty

Do not give you the baby qualitative, also does not allow others to determine the nature of for yours baby.

The social skill must describe for certain us the thing which studies diligently, moreover any baby's social characteristic should not describe the fixed pattern. For example a baby's shyness, slow or combative. Any qualitative description often gradually becomes the fixed behavior, becomes the permanent disposition.

Establishes the friendship with an age younger baby to have the opportunity to let you baby he be compared to the same period smaller and respectively he the baby contact, exercises his leadership and the social skill, this is helpful in him obtains with contemporaries same level social participation ability.

Elimination pressure

When the children the attention focus how when to respond elder's regards or the question, their embarrassment and will strengthen suddenly not naturally. We should not arrive at when this kind only then taught the baby to want politeness. How can teach the baby to ahead of time do, for instance saw the elder to give regards.

You also participate in which

Through participates in the social activity with other babies helping you together the baby to become friends. Approximately other baby to the courtyard, initiates a patrol; Let you the baby and his friend crosses each family together or participates in the neighborhood the activity.

Appraises the kindergarten the environment

When you choose the kindergarten, appraises the kindergarten as far as possible the social environment. Which do here behavior standards have? Whether to all babies is the environment which friendly is glad accepts? Whether to encourage the babies to cooperate mutually?

Takes baby's example you

Your necessity has not done compared to yours baby much, is better. But if you avoid some social question, or displays this kind of tendency, will affect you enormously the baby.

When necessity seeks professional's help

As for some babies, the psychology education possibly has the help to him. If your baby extreme timid, always works as the scapegoat, or very combative, extremely easy to get angry, tells the expert, he will help you to find the baby the appropriate way which in a friendly way was together with other people.

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in 2009 new semester bottom class in kindergarten class and grade trouble-free service plan preschool education resources jy135.com2009 year in September, 29 babies move in Tian fei kindergarten small one class, 29 families by the crown by the small class of name are condensed in together, 9 whistles sound us equally likely to child's security alarm. Each children will be the family future and the new hope, will let them be safe, the health, the growth will be joyfully we have engraved on heart's responsibility. The kindergarten trouble-free service basis enters preschool child's age characteristic, has is close and is comprehensive, in teaches the child scientific knowledge, raises the behavior custom at the same time,best selling toddler toys, guides them to learn to protect others, protects itself, the safe education is included my class to begin school a plan important project. In order to raise baby's safety consciousness and the study simple security helps oneself the method, avoids having each kind of safety responsibility accident, guaranteed that the education teaching order the stable development, my class has worked out a safe education program:

1st, life security
The comprehensive consideration bottom class in kindergarten baby characteristic, the respect bottom class in kindergarten baby body and mind development's rule, under the safe consciousness seepage, provides the health for the baby, the rich life and the active environment, satisfy the baby to be various,baby bibs, differently development need. The class and grade teachers work as one to do well the class and grade health, every day completes cleanly, the disinfection, ventilates the work, prevents infectious disease's occurrence,kids toys, arranges baby's on first reasonably to live; In the daily life, educates the baby motionless plug, electroplates, by against receives an electric shock; Does not place the finger the gate, the window place, by against clamps the wound; The attention does not play with water, fire, soap as well as disinfection goods; Educates the baby to enter time the restroom does not push does not push, by against damages, bumps into and injures.
2nd, dines, midday nap security
The bottom class in kindergarten babies are used to many east Xisai arrive the nostril, the ear, the mouth, the navel and so on have the hole place, on first lives often carefully pays attention, guides the baby to pay attention to the personal hygiene, does not put in the dirty thing between lips, prevents to get sick enters by the mouth, does not eat not purely, changes flavor mildewy food; Dines when pays attention to the belt to puncture the belt bone food security, as well as rides when the hot food dish hot soup security item. When midday nap does not play the clothing (for example: The knot, the bead, the hair clip, the zipper and so on), does not hoodwink to sleep, does not take the toy, the thing sleeps, dines, when midday nap back and forth patrols.

3rd, active security
On the bottom class in kindergarten the semester is not familiar to the kindergarten environment, baby in adaptation environment exploration process easy new

Wonderful. Usually talks using the morningtide, the teaching activity, game, carries on the simple security general knowledge education to the baby,

Raises baby's safety consciousness and protects oneself ability. Educates the baby in the conventional raise to observe the active rule, not

Carries the dangerous goods to participate in the activity (for example: The scissors, the toy and so on incisive thing), in the game does not make the dangerous play (for example:

The head down slippery slide, crawls upwardly by under the slide, does not climb up and so on), leaves the collective not arbitrarily, between the companion friendly

Place, modestly declines mutually, does not push does not hit, (does not hit, pushes, nips, catches) the human.

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Study profession. Every day to go to school,unique baby gift, Huang Xingfeng must take more than 10 miles mountain roads, but she always does not play hooky. This lets the guardian quite feel the accident.

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She frequently

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How to construct the positive effective teachers and students in the exploration theme activity to interact preschool education resources jy135.com how to construct the positive effective teachers and students in the exploration theme activity to interact Chen Yingxin the summary to point out: The education itself displays for between the teacher and student's interaction, the interactive education has not been imagines with difficulty, is far from is effective. The good teachers and students relations are the education have the potency key. So long as the teacher understood how to go with the child to communicate, understood how to meet child's needs, and guides the child to understand how to meet teacher's needs, between the teachers and students establishes trusts mutually, the respect, each other admission, understood the relations, that any pedagogical activity may cause the child to have the interest to accept. Along with pre-school education reform unceasingly thorough, the education behavior progressive improvement, the respect baby, deeply loves baby's idea, in educated practices had certain realization, the positive teachers and students relations are forming, simultaneously also started to enhance the education consciously through the positive interaction the validity. However, discovered in the practical work that specially in kindergarten population many classes and gradees, carries on the teachers and students interaction to have the suitable difficulty, the reason is the baby population are many, very difficult to achieve face all, moreover irrelevant factor's stimulation also greatly reduced the education effect. Therefore I have carried on the attention to this situation,louis vuitton kids shoes, and attempts in the exploration theme activity considered how to construct the method which positively the effective teachers and students interact.First, the group instruction, reduces the population, provides opportunity which the teachers and students interact.The exploration theme activity main group instruction primarily, the like this great degree reduced baby's population, simultaneously enhanced the baby individual and the teacher greatly exchanges, the contact frequency, has provided the opportunity for the teachers and students interaction. If in activities of language blue automobile, investigative action: The automobile symbolized that activities and so on interesting in traffic signal, the teacher guides the baby to discuss answers the question, as a result of the child ability's difference,gifts for kids, the classroom time's restraint, with other indifferent stimulus's disturbance, often truly can carry on the number of times which the teachers and students interact, the interactive population is not many. Proposed a question usually was some ability strong baby replied, but the ability weak baby lost the ponder and the explanation opportunity firmly. But in the group instruction, the population has been short, the indifferent stimulus relative reduction, the time is invariable, between the natural teacher and baby's interaction had more opportunities, the teacher has been possible the full attention to each child,new born baby accessories, and cut may have the goal to carry on the exchange, the contact. Moreover in the group instruction, the teacher may catch the first group of babies promptly the situation, and the adjustment teaching plan carries on the teaching to the next group of babies, in reconsiders and in the practice enhances the education and the teaching quality, promotes the teachers and students communal development. We advocated that the interactive final goal not is also so.


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First analyzes the skill. This heroic 4 skills are good. How adds is very the question.

Q. acceleration. Silence. Additional injury. Extra attack. Chops excellently presses gets down is the extra 2nd attack again immediately. Also has the effect to the tower. No matter you walk tank or dps. this add inevitably first.

W. adds against effect to be very few. Neglects basically. Force on force, in 35% reduce on the wound .1 levels on some short CD ox head big move鈥PS adds 1 points first. Walks tank. first to top up .1 points continues time difference 1 time with 5 o'clock differences

The E. tornado cuts. Transfers time transportable. The scope does not calculate in a big way. The injury does not calculate high. Beese sound of smacking lips E injures lowly many. However may the storm strike. But the injury does not resemble the storm wound influence. Fixes Canadian how many injuries. Injures to the soldier halves causes the clear soldier to run about all over is very awkward. The injury has been too low. What must pay attention is. Turns on lathe time cannot put Q. not to be able to put R. to be possible to put W鈥herefore please use Q to draw out the hand. Overruns chops a knife to turn on lathe opens W to reduce the wound. Finally R buys a girl childthe dps route had a day inflammation before the 1 level. The injury is too low the clear soldier to kill people not Mountain in Shansi.

R. big move鈥ery awkward. Injures not high. Moreover is looked this skill creates the injury attaches 50% injuries. Hits tank not to feel nearly. Hits the dps effect not to be able to pervert.

First I walk dps鈥 take up a collection the speed to be very always good5 minute quiet dream + crazy war shoes + inexhaustible + murder armor +50AC0:7:9. loses very miserably鈥he earlier period is very strong. Transfers one revolution to die. The trial dies again. Hits the human to later period all skills not to feel. Is controlled purifies. Chops the human not to be sore. Does not have the effect completely. Opposite tank educated my anything to garen to call incapable completely/p>

The second study others hit tank to approach. Starts the tragedy .0:3. teammate who very dies to spurt me to walk P crazily tank鈥lowly suppressed the date inflammation鈥urder armor folding slowly to 20. Henceforth has not fallen more than half blood. Behind left the ice armor. Has been basically invincible. The opposite output is the high output hero. Therefore the blood also lowers very. What does the group war hit on my body to output high also does not have to respond again. As soon as W opens batters. Is truly very good. Opposite dpsgaren is completely wastes money.

Generally speaking. This hero walks dps to lack the eruption. The E injury is very ordinary. What skill support chops person's words also not to have. Walks tank to be very good. But lacks the control technique. Recommendation long time inflammation route.

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baby doll Chinese jewelry, luxurious behind silence

    - - luxury goods greatly hot China present situation brief analysis and native place jewelry brand development strategy discussion

    The expert predicted that looking from the historical development, the manufacturing industry is having the luxurious brand possibility to be biggest. Because the manufacturing industry highest boundary is a handicraft, the handicraft is the wealth which duplicates with difficulty. Bingley, Rolls Royce, Cartier, buddhist gram elegant valuable, brands and so on Difuni, are because it needs the unique handicraft only then to be able to become famous in the world, but China most has the possibility to present the luxury goods brand the profession should in the jewelry, jade carving, chinaware and clothing domain.

    2010 luxury goods greatly hot China

    as soon as at the beginning in 2010, the luxury goods change the former low key the posture, occupies each large network newspapers influential position repeatedly, by the strong imposing manner announced soon initiates Chinese raging tide. The nearly all mainstream media forecast without one exception: The luxury goods not only tigerishly will live the prestige in China, will have the possibility China to push to the global first luxurious status in next several years. Although this forecast somewhat astonishing actually by no means leaves oneself open to rumor. According to the world luxury goods association official report said that the Chinese luxury goods expense total amount reaches 27.5% in the global percentage, wins the luxury goods expense second place throne.

    The investigation showed that the Chinese luxury goods expend main force besides high-end society high-level and top rich and powerful people, day by day rises the middle class and the low-and-middle populace luxury goods experience expense community, some young white-collars are becoming the mainstay which in the future especially the luxury goods will expend. Their expense idea and the person of father's generation are different, they receive the good education, the pursue have had the personal status life, although the top luxury goods will not expend temporarily, but will also purchase some famous work gadget and so on to take one life style and the experience, will satisfy their innermost feelings each kind of psychological feeling, but this will be precisely is the Chinese luxury goods market latent huge expense group.

    Along with global luxurious brand in China's fast expansion as well as Chinese economy constant rise, although China's luxury goods expend also not all-round blooming, but its real present situation is consumer buying power ultra, in the future the tendency will be inestimable. Moreover according to the Chinese luxury goods market performance in recent years, various luxury goods brand's annual report and the market appraisal, the public and press even government to the luxury goods industry's attention degree, basic may recognize that China already initially entered the fast rise period which the luxury goods expend.

    The luxury goods start to enter the jewelry time

    Although the present Chinese consumers to the luxurious brand are not very familiar, but since the overseas luxury goods have entered China on a large scale, China's luxury goods expend actually one year compared to one year increasing, even if in the economic crisis time, the Chinese also counter potential flies upwards, becomes the world second big luxury goods country of consumption, makes 27.5% contributions for the global luxury goods profession's total sales volume. However, said according to the related Chinese luxury goods market's memoir that China's luxury goods expense pattern is changing, already from the luxurious automobile, the yacht and the private plane changes the famous table and the jewelry, but the Chinese emerging middle class soon becomes the mainstay which the luxury goods expend, this means without doubt, the luxury goods entered the jewelry time.

    Has this transformation behind to have many factors. For example, as a result of the global economic crisis's influence, China's top rich and powerful people social strata how many will also be received the impact, will also restrain in the expense many. The relatively large-scale yacht airplane says, the jewelry has the usability and the collection. More importantly, in recent years, China's middle class rose rapidly, they received not poor, the approval brand was the success, the status and the status symbol, they the luxury goods and successful and the lofty personal status related closely in together. Although, they have not afforded for a while regarding some luxury goods, but has these brand commodity intense desire, but the clock and watch and the jewelry draw close to their physical demand on the other hand, energetic demand as well as income, thus, to show off with the showing status, more and more rich races favor the purchase personalization high-end jewelry.

    Now, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and so on an eight city's high-end feminine scale has achieved 1,670,000, this emerging community mostly holds the post of the enterprise high tube, the income is high, displays unique rigid regarding the luxury goods. They pay attention to each kind of popular fashionable information frequently, depending on own ability purchase famous brand goods, its private car holding rate reaches 53.5%. in this emerging community, they more will focus in eagerly anticipate in the future the fashionable tidal current, will show its lofty makings and savors. Much less, the woman inborn love jewelry, takes the fashionable female, it would be better if most important equipment beautiful graceful semblance, but jewelry its magnificent and expensive makings, radiant ray with this kind of high-end feminine conjunction, thus, along with the world top luxurious brand is jewelry brand entry specially in abundance, they also grow day by day regarding the high-end jewelry's consumer demand.

    Some people once carried on the luxury goods expense crowd the classification, some people are to gain the luxurious experience, some people are to flaunt the wealth, some people are to eagerly anticipate the tidal current, some people are to appreciate and collect. Which kind of expense psychology crowd but regardless of has, the jewelry takes one consumable, both can integrate cultural and the spiritual element, and can flaunt that the individuality and showing savor, its classics' design styles hair art wields the acme, has the connoisseurship and the collection value, is precisely because the jewelry has catered to the luxury goods expense crowd's multiple demands.

    Chinese jewelry for what reason absents the luxury goods

    If is only takes the jewelry one kind of luxury goods to regard simply, actually the Chinese any jewelry enterprise has the production and sales luxury goods ability. The Chinese numerous jewelry Production enterprise and the retail sales brand, its make and the sales product luxurious degree are not inferior to the famous jewelry brand product internationally.

    However, when the numerous international major suits open the retail shop broadly in the China coast developed city circle, grab high-end expense crowd's time, we actually discovered that China's jewelry brand also pauses is serving two, three urban ordinary popular consumption communities. At present, in the universally accepted top luxurious brand already had surpasses enters and is stationed in China most likely, divides up land a minute place in the economical developed area's big or media-sized cities to be busy the delight. Absents regarding Chinese jewelry brand for what reason in the high-end market, with the popular words said that does not have the luxury goods brand in the true sense.

    The Chinese jewelry brand lacks luxurious, mainly manifests in the Chinese Jewelry Enterprise lacks the operation luxury goods brand consciousness, namely idea and thought. China's merchants often focus on the short-term, lacks the cultivation luxury goods brand the cultural self-control. They are not willing to invest establish the money which a brand needs, the time and the energy, they were yearning for repays fast, therefore their prospect in local, but is not international. The cultural merchant, the senior economist money wave had said what one says,baby doll, accurate arrives in view of the present Chinese Enterprise.

    Since continuously, the luxury goods often with the success brand, the perfect quality, the outstanding design idea and even the history have precipitated, the cultural inheritance relates in together. Any historical glorious well-known brand, has had founder's thought and the life fervor. When he establishes the brand, his life and the idea, become the brand the soul.

    For example originated in 1893, had hundred year long history imperial woody plants to enjoy the strength to reach perfect and the unusual craft fine reputation. In 115 year historical mighty current, ever not interrupted pursues the breakthrough, insists to unify the specialty, exquisite craft and originality, although is the management very popularity pearl product, but because of its brand influence, when the pearl accessories degenerate into the Chinese market the stall goods time, the imperial woody plants product sales volume has actually wished luck on moving to a new home the international pearl accessories front row, widely receives the political circle celebrities, the star video, the social renowned young women favors, but this all successes stem from its founder imperial woody plants , good fortune lucky gentleman to use the world women the pearl to dress, dissemination pearl art to the global each corner's sincere ideal, as well as the imperial woody plants brand perseveresHundred year extension.

    When we discovered that an entrepreneur does not have the strategic judgment, to the brand concept, the connotation understood when on also lacks,koala baby boutique clothing, then its brand produces the majority of high price product will reduce for the common product set-off. It can be said that the thought and the idea have decided the Chinese jewelry brand future path. Only the change thought and the idea, carefully examine the brand earnestly the importance, the Chinese jewelry brand can not abandon by the luxury goods.

    Now, not only the numerous luxury goods brands (including jewelry brand) already paid attention to China's inland big city and a coastal open city, during the maintenance high-end localization and brand image's, the great potential which and the economic interest the Chinese market contains lets them two, three cities integrate as if by prior agreement its expansion domain. Perhaps which one day of Cartier, Diao, luxury goods manufacturer's and so on Omega President, general manager once more arrives at China, when and visits these cities, perhaps the Chinese jewelry brand wish turning over is too late.

    How to found the luxurious road

    China does not lack the culture, does not lack the technology, also does not lack raw material; However, the Chinese jewelry actually lacks the culture, lacks the history, lacks the marketing, lacks the original design.

    Just like Chinese native place high-end jewelry brand TTF jewelry president Wu Fenghua when accepted "Fashionable Jewelry" monthly publication reporter the interview said that besides the thought and the idea this core factor, the Chinese jewelry brand in the cultural excavation, in the marketing skill and the design creativity's weak trend became present has prevented the Chinese jewelry to move toward international, entered into the luxury goods brand the stumbling obstacle. The jewellery ornaments achievement has uniquely, scarce, precious and so on characteristic non-daily necessities, the entrepreneur when manages the brand, should in these aspects take seriously with the actual effect execution. The genuine jewelry luxury goods brand, is, has the long-time vitality brand which is recognized by various countries' consumer, she has had the cultural connotation, the design fabrication technology, the managerial talent, the marketing promotion and so on base element, has concentrated the most advanced technology, most harmonious product esthetics, as well as personalized and user-friendly quality connotation.

    Is advancing to the global biggest luxury goods market regarding one country, China hoped anxiously can have belongs to oneself native place luxury goods brand. Regardless of being stands in the national dignity or the commercial interest says, the people were hoping this desire can realize, moreover is quicker is better. The jewellery ornaments will be a future several year expense grow one of quickest products, will establish the native place high-end brand is as soon as possible appears imminent. As management jewelry brand's many entrepreneurs, how hold the turning point making brand under the good environment, develops the international market unceasingly, the promotion brand international standing, creates a native place the international jewelry luxury goods brand, has become the question which everybody needs to discuss.
Definitely own native place culture

    First we chat the culture. The culture is a national foundation, simultaneously is also the brand soul. The brand needs the culture, looking from the numerous international luxury goods brand historical development, we are not difficult to discover, the culture manifests regarding a brand's comprehensive strength has the very vital role.

    The establishment in 1879 valuable standard Li jewelry, because of has highlighted own cultural characteristic, but pursues for the common people honors. In the 20th century early time, when the European and American jewelry wallows in the Buddhist ritual procedures culture and design style time, valuable standard Li on groundbreaking utilizes Greek and the Roman classicism culture element, in addition Italian exquisite manufacture art, has accomplished the valuable standard Li product unique culture artistic style. Its color matching art time four overflow, the sparkle is eye-catching, is deducting the fashion alternately and elegant, enabled it at that time the short time in the numerous brands blooming, became is in the world few in number, was maintaining throughout the exquisite production process and unique traditional culture style jewelry business one.

    In China, also has such forerunner at present, although receives the Chinese whole expense idea and the level is not high, and worships foreign countries the thought serious influence, but still had the enterprise to dare to affirm that China's traditional culture, and obtains the international approval for this reason. For example the TTF jewelry, was established in 2002,kids toys, the localization high-end and insisted that the original the young jewelry company, after having experienced eight year development, finally relies on its exquisite production process and the creativity design, as well as obtained global most well-known jewelry clock and watch exposition - - Switzerland Barthel international clock and watch jewelry exhibition's agreeing to China traditional culture's promotion, entered the 2nd hall and with Difuni smoothly, valuable standard Li, Hai Rui Winston and so on international top jewelry manufacturer displayed skills with the field.

    Insisting that designs the manufacture is the basis

    It is well known, a luxury goods brand's success, has the formidable design strength with him to be inseparable. The good brand at the beginning of the establishment is for the manufacturing best product, the founder when establishes the brand, all time, the energy and the funding invested to above the product original design and the research and development manufacture.

    The valuable poem dragon's establishment comes from year only 28 year-old designer Boucheron., but in the valuable standard Li its founder rope peduncle Austria's two sons crave in the manufacture gem jewelry, they in the jewelry production take the color as the design essences, originally carries on the matching combination with many kinds of different color's gems, to cause on jewelry's colored gem to have the perfectly round gentle feeling, valuable standard Li also studies in the manufacture is popular in East's torus surface cutting law, replaces the multiple facet gems by the torus surface gem. This to the European and American tradition jewelry tidal current then, may say that was one time has the enormous shocking innovation.

    Moreover like the Cartier jewelry, in its family's third generation Louis , Joseph, Cartier gathered the renowned jewelry designer and the superb skill diligently the artisan, caused the design unique decorations harmoniously to manifest the Cartier style. This Cartier culture - whole world brand network - inspirational figure at that time not only invited the designer Charles , outstanding storehouse to create the world first-class jewelry accessories for him, was lets outstanding female designer Ms. Jennie , Du Sang offer the puma classical jewelry design for it.

    Manufactures like the buddhist gram elegant valuable secret type crustification law, its mystery is a tiny gem by the textile form crustification in the very fine gold or the platinum grid. The trace, the day became quite the same as, conceals the type crustification law to achieve the jewelry craft extraordinary boundary, was the jewelry processing domain immortal myth. But in this aspects, China's jewelry brand also positively put in the research and development strength, and has made the encouraging progress, like the TTF jewelry micro aerosol crustification technology, the star light reaches the jewelry to inlay the technology exquisite, the reason and US jewelry's lotus flower diamond crustification technology and so on.

    Let the customer sensation your brand demand

    The brand needs one to belong to itself, and conforms to its development core demand, he is about the brand spirit and the connotation one responsibility language.

    The brand demand's core element is not the so-called optional creation and proposed that its essence is needs through the very strong logic, carries on the related proof inference to be able to obtain. We when propose the core demand, needs to consider the consumer accepts the custom, as well as factors and so on brand history and related core technologies.

    For example Xiangnaier builds the forever precious feeling to expand for its global strategy, is the precious collection brand connotation which has followed by it is the foundation; 200 for many years has concentrated on the jewelry design manufacture the French spacious US jewelry, is honored as seeing on the palpitation acceleration, can produce the unequalled valuable thing the top jewelry brand; German automobile brand Maibahe reaches as high as more than 5000 ten thousand Yuan luxury cars by its selling price, but has annotated its symbol perfectly perfect and the luxurious demand; Bingley is lets the customer have this whole life you not to want to have it, can have a liking for the sense of distance which and the exploration desire one is you are honored. But takes one to have several hundred year historical legendary champagne brand, song of victory emperor sign champagne ice cube this year in mainland China market's being published, is to the brand continuously positive initiative song of victory life style - - graceful explanation innovative spirit, perfect deductive life art's one time salutes.

    Generally speaking, the brand demand must certainly tally the goal expense group demand, including the functionality and emotionality, if cannot cut into propagandizes own brand connotation, in the future promotion, will give the brand operator to bring many troublesome or the nonessential expense disbursement, in our opionion, Xiangnaier, spacious US, Bingley, song of victory emperor sign and so on international brand when promotion just right has utilized consumer's emotionality demand, today only then can be able to obtain the so great success.

    In the future, the Chinese jewelry will have how many possibility

    The Chinese culture has 5000 accumulation, we have the burial figures of warriors and horses, has Imperial Palace, regardless of which angle looked from, China had has had the luxurious brand cultural history precipitation; But the luxury goods are cultivate slowly in the material life, looks like Britain's gentleman, is gradually influences slowly depending on the time. The feeling which this is Chinese some brand mister when accepts media reporter sends out.

    Indeed, according to the present national condition, no matter is the overall synthesis power of consumption expends consciousness, China's consumers were still in the luxury goods to expend the mature stage. This had decided the luxury goods expend the environment also requires period of very long time to build, expends the idea the promotion also to need to change slowly and to cultivate. Present's situation is the Chinese consumers worships the European and American culture to be as before serious, when choice purchase product possibly favors in the overseas brand. They the reason which does not approve regarding the native place high-end brand besides the brand history is short, but also includes the design, technique of manufacture, cultural connotation and service. But is the present Chinese many high-end brands in fact, including the jewelry brand, certain aspect strength is not inferior in certain overseas brands. China is only lacks a system's brand construction with to propagate experiences. Industry in the expert believed that invades China's while the global each - whole world brand network - big luxury goods brand, the Chinese entrepreneurs needs to use the long-term judgment to treat the brand the mold and the development, rams the brand foundation earnestly, in the team constructs on, like the design, the manufacture technician, the hard currency, the brand promotion, aspects and so on cultural reconstruction increase dynamics and the funding invested.

    The Chinese national condition had decided after our brand needs to do in a big way first, does again strongly, although the present China overwhelming majority jewelry brand does not have international luxury goods giant such deep background and the historical origin, but in the long run, China's culture can create for the jewelry brand with is on a starting line with it the environment, this from the numerous international major suits in the product design, the display window design, in the advertisement photography we may see massively using the Chinese culture element.

    The expert predicted that looking from the historical development, the manufacturing industry is having the luxurious brand possibility to be biggest. Because the manufacturing industry highest boundary is a handicraft, the handicraft is the wealth which duplicates with difficulty. Bingley, Rolls Royce, Cartier, buddhist gram elegant valuable, brands and so on Difuni, are because it needs the unique handicraft only then to be able to become famous in the world, but China most has the possibility to present the luxury goods brand the profession should in the jewelry, jade carving, chinaware and clothing domain.

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Author: Young Su

In LoL, SOLO even more becomes one kind of corona! That is, so long as you have requested SOLO, simultaneously your teammate has given you this honor, then you have then become one kind of hope! Can achieve the suppresive rank to help them rapidly to reduce the pressure, leads GANK and the PUSH rhythm! Certainly this suppresive rank, not necessarily is 6 levels, according to different hero! 4~8 levels have the possibility.

Actually in LOL has cancelled the middle of the mill terrain protection! Thus increased the middle of the mill risk! Cancelled has instead made up, reduced the dogface income, also enabled the middle of the mill crossed wires to become the possibility. Therefore, theoretically, so long as you suffice to wither! Everybody may stay in the middle of the mill takes up a collection. Including super tragedy elder brother pangolin!

But since the middle of the mill is the SOLO position which is in favor with the public, then also has division the fit and unfit quality! According to the front analysis,tippy toes baby socks, we may obtain the following several key words:

The firing distance superiority suppresses (such as long-distance hero)

Has ability which resistant to compression takes up a collection (technique energy consumption blue high energy not to receive dogface to use)

Has the reply ability (to return to blood skill) continually

Has the resistant to compression ability (very meat, very meat)

Rises rapidly to the suppresive rank (can GANK be able PUSH)

Can flee the scene (short CD to flash before a kind of skill) rapidly

Says from the general sense,discount designer kids clothing, the middle of the mill gives the long-distance hero is a more ideal result. Because lacks the protection, the long-distance hero may through walk the position suitably, reduces the danger! But in the actual operation, chooses according to opposite party the hero and summons the teacher skill the judgment, as well as entire map general situation view understanding. Close combat hero middle of the mill SOLO will not have the too tremendous influence actually.

Through the above analysis, the answer already was actually obvious!

Legal system hero such as: Song of the death, trillion of the weekend, the fallen angel, roams about master, the ice crystal phoenix, anger of the storm, darkness, the numerous stars, entire kind of witchcraft master, the inventor and so on is outstanding SOLOER.

Long-distance physics department: ashe, small artillery, teemo, twich, war principal wife, card sign master.

Resistant to compression continually reply class: The gold metallurgy,discount kids clothes, captain, Master Yi, the vertical stroke vertical stroke, fears the monster void.

Flees fast: Void traveler, Ezreal, greatly enduring.

Some people said that the cow is also continually the reply class, why doesn't recommend. Because Niu Bing long-distance has not received money the skill. Carries on the shoulder opposite party firepower to faint one time, the performance-to-price ratio is not high!

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111. in that age, in the Dota group has woman that to call one to cherish.
Each Dotaer will see will be playing Dota woman that to call a none remaining four to shoot
Therefore in our group works off anger layer on layerbr /> With prince's words are.
That kind of feeling goes out probably on you discovered that the entrance has a Saint sword. You obtained it,
Then walks again several steps, also discovers a Saint sword.
But, the question is that is standing your enemy the Saint sword nearby.
Not said that either is done, either does him.

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Then in group men each kind makes a veiled attack understood that this plays Dota MM.
They are ask like this.
The bitter edible plant is waste, how many have you now read are big?
Then the bitter edible plant replies waste. I big 1.
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Starts the bitter edible plant waste very honest reply to .6 years old.
Finally that group of men obtain the conclusion is. The bitter edible plant waste just 20. is suiting the nabs to start.

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Some people are because, soaks MM to be able to soak MM really.
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115. has been killed by the bitter edible plant is waste is done waste by the bitter edible plant.
Killed the bitter edible plant waste named to do waste finally the bitter edible plant but actually.
The man avoids mentioning the phrase waste front displays completely drippings in the pure bitter edible plant.
Everybody has not revealed that everybody does not want to reveal.

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War of the Chinese mountain peak soon starts!

Intel limit Master the match fifth season ChinaJoy whole world challenge tournament China area invitational meet's registration is being carried on fiery,baby gift ideas, closure present, three projects altogether have over a hundred contestants and the corps registration,recommended baby dolls, many domestic well-known electronic athletics star and corps.

On July 29, Intel limit master the match will start the fifth season origin station ChinaJoy whole world challenge tournament to make war in the Chinese Shanghai, the contestant will be 57,000 US dollars grand prizes launches competes intensely. But in June 25, the Chinese area invitational meet officially will also fire, strives for hegemony 3 contestants three evil spirit beast, two anti-terrorist outstanding person corps and four DotA corps are promoted ChinaJoy through the Chinese area invitational meet the global challenge tournament.

According to the reliable information,louis vuitton kids shoes, CCTV will serve under somebody's banner Chinese Network Television station CNTV to retransmit soon the IEM fifth season Shanghai station whole world challenge tournament which will conduct on ChinaJoy.

In electronic athletics regards as the disasters endures certain years later, this will be electronic athletics for the first time lands strong trend mainstream media .CNTV also to send out a retransmission team to go ChinaJoy, the depth reports this IEM sports event.


popular toddler toys [quick news]The ESWC China organizer treatment sends the day wealth to draw bac

Before this, has the news to spread, because the ESWC2010 China block commission (99 technical networks) will not bear the related expense, ESWC2010 Chinese area finals CS champion Tyloo.raw forced abandonment will go to France to attend the ESWC2010 world finals. , Zhejiang river sky wealth electron athletics club also has issued last night the official announcement to this matter:

The anti-terrorist outstanding person (Couter-Strike hereafter referred to as CS) to appear from 2001 is all the rage the whole world, once became the most popular all the people electron athletics movement. At the world each big top electron athletics sports event, the collection tactic, the team coordinates, to respond that the factor in body's CS, has been must not be possible to lack one of human spirit extremely high events, ESWC origins from France, spreads the world's a grand sports event.

The TyLoo club serves under somebody's banner after 2 CS troops receive the ESWC China block commission the participative invitation, the sports event carries on the laborious training to prepare in light of this. Although has obtained the invitation quota of people, but the ESWC China block commission actually has not undertaken any participates in the ESWC China area finals' expense, in line with to this sports event's anticipation,popular toddler toys, to the champion hope, as well as goes on an expedition France's opportunity on behalf of China, the club decided that pays own expenses to participate in 5.30-6.1 the ESWC China area finals which conducts in Beijing, period TyLoo club line of 12 people, including travel expense and board and lodging altogether expense Renminbi nearly 30,000 Yuan. After intense competition, TyLoo and the TyLoo.Raw two teams have assumed full responsibility the champion and second-place finisher. Actually this competition assumed full responsibility the champion and second-place finisher also equally to cause the club the income and the disbursement is not balanced, even if were this, the club has also supported members' participation in your kind effort, for was can win the championship, thus had the opportunity to go to France and the overseas strong team far compares notes to study, could raise own level through these competitions, hoped that own one's pygmy effort caused in the CS environment which domestic declined gradually obtains the trifle change for the better.
However when the members positively prepare for the world finals, on June 11 we have received the ESWC China block commission undertakes the side (99 technical networks) the mail and the telephone in the afternoon, is informed in 2010 ESWC the Chinese block commission not to undertake China's CS to go to France on behalf of the TyLoo.RAW division to participate in the world finals' expense, what with it relativity is this time in 2010 ESWC the Chinese area finals other 3 project War3, DotA,infant flower girl dresses, FIFA going beyond a line contestant goes to France to participate in finals' expense is the ESWC China block commission undertakes the side payment by 2010! On this question, club expression unusual relentless, why can other project's contestant be responsible for all participative expense as usual by the Chinese block commission? But the CS project's team actually wants to pay all expenses. Similarly will be goes to battle with the ESWC France finals on behalf of China to have such difference and the treatment, our club very indignant at the same time, also feels the unusual disappointment to this year organization committee such procedure.

Conducts from ESWC until now, the national team attends the world finals to want to pay all expenses not to hold the precedent, even if has not provided the bonus until now the ESWC2008 China Organization committee, also has not let the national team pay own expenses to attend same year's world finals, and the difference treats so the situation!

If all projects to pay own expenses to compete in France, the day wealth club will definitely let serve under somebody's banner the contestant to feel relieved that will compete. The day wealth club all member expression is not willing to endure so the equal treatment, simultaneously we hoped that the ESWC China Organization committee can fair treat us. We in communication with every effort, issue this statement as before, only to give all deep love day wealth, deeply loves CS, deeply loves the electronic athletics to play a family confession. The day wealth has been trying hard, to hope that can gain your understanding and the support. If the Chinese block commission cannot give us a satisfactory answer, our TyLoo club will refuse to attend this year's world finals, and the club with ESWC France Sports event Organization committee contacting,little girls clothes, will respond that directly the situation and expresses the protest.

Zhejiang river sky wealth electron athletics club
on June 16, 2010

Related reading:

"TeD:ESWC Escapes All Bonus Cash"

"Gaffey salt: The electricity competes the morals and ESWC escapes"

"SaM Accepts Interview Discontentedly Not to invite To participate ESWC"

children's clothes Evil spirit beastly half a month discussed that in March, 2010 half a month WC3L

(Pacific Ocean game network , erer_5w own original, reprint please give the source and retains this line)

    Just in the past's March half a month, the evil spirit world occurred matter, what is closely related with the national champion is a farce and a tragedy.

    The farce stems from the SW China area invitational meet .3 months on 11th the SW China area invitational meet D group to make war. Must carry on 6 war's competitions originally, the result only hits carelessly stopped work for the day. Why? Because of this group's two contestants, NsGe.HaiNiu and NsGe.Hovermoon announce the forfeit before starting, such [SaT]Leukemia and IAM_Kyo directly have obtained the going beyond a line qualifications.

    Perhaps appeals to four contestant's ID, the fellow net friends will think are very strange, because they will be the extra-curricular contestants. Was uses all might many year old qualifications and records of service in the extra-curricular circle (Hovermoon also once to ally WE.09). I did not know how StarsWar-Reborn the organization committee organizes this competition, but the so many so frequent forfeit situations,children's clothes, let me be able not but to organize the side to the competition the pre-game preparatory work to have the question. (besides appeals to two forfeits to play family,organic baby gifts, before E group of Dhc.Toro and G group, WE veteran Syc has chosen forfeit)

    The certainly biggest farce is not forfeits H group of competition which .3 months on 12th carries on, domestic evil spirit beast extra-curricular session of favorite fantafiction goes to battle. Did not know that is stems from He Zhong to consider, �� food elder brother " has received obviously the special attendance in the competition. The illustration is unfair obviously the situation judgment, wants to mold wholeheartedly " a food elder brother " the world clever king, therefore the ice armor spider has become " a food elder brother " the invention, falls the food besides TeD and the Happy world third clever king title also flower, talked into on the difference " a food elder brother " is the outstanding South Korean club race. What is more laughable was as a result of the fantafiction own network question, the competition waits for his 2 hours to let him actually find may ball in play's Internet bar. But let group Sai and MGBP hits two was not the competition which unnecessary worked again (competition period organization side even not to inform Sai originally to suspend and starts to play, let Sai be angry). What a pity even so " a food elder brother " in only then an active duty professional contestant's group, still only had obtained 1 win 2 defeat successes, suffers one round.

    The recollection once that general sparkled for everybody leaves behind the innumerable classical wars SW,baby blanket, actually this so-called StarsWar is Reborn the rebirth or degenerates?