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In the war institute interior is the horse approximately the Reese mystique center, the part is the black magic school, the part is the magic arts preserve place, but also some part is hires the broker place. The horse approximately Reese is alliance summoner's influence value (IP) the transaction center,(Related Articlesnew born baby accessories This session of Razer cu), regardless of the novice or masters may spend itself in here makes place of from the justice the influence value, the receiving in exchange for innumerable summoners are interested the thing. The summoner may summon the new securer incarnation in this consumption influence value receiving in exchange for ability. The preliminary summoner can only summon very few may several several securers serve for oneself. But wants the academic society to control alliance all securers to obey the will, then needs to experience and the skill unceasing accumulation. Regardless of being Warro however native other supernatural living thing, the summoners approximately the Reese mystique center expenditure influence value accept the training in the horse, the unlocking summon the new securer's ability.

The summoners may also expend the influence value to visit the horse approximately Reese's black magic warehouse. The horse approximately Reese manages Fu Wen the casting and the synthesis directly. Although all summoners may visit the black magic warehouse synthesis symbol article, but only then the consumption influence value can receive new Fu Wen. The summoner may choose receives in exchange for some kind of specific Fu Wen,fashion kids shoes, may also receive stochastically,burberry kids clothing, certainly receives in exchange for specific Fu Wen to spend not poor. This is the mystique center careful formulation strategy, may expand it in the heroic alliance populace influence

