
gifts for kids New year the first ball, the small artillery leaves the attire

,gifts for kids

Mai Geling flintlock

Foundation attribute

Life value 415 (+82/each rank)
Black magic value 193 (+32/each rank)
Traveling speed 310
Protects the armor value 15 (+3/each rank)
The magic arts resist 30 (+0/each rank)
The storm strikes probability 3.02 (+0.48/each rank)
The life replies 1.02 (+0.13/each rank)
The supernatural power replies 0.79 (+0.05/each rank)
Striking distance 550

Small artillery various aspects grow are very average, the talent passive skill extension firing distance,baby blanket pattern, has the superiority very much to the lineEverybody may regard as him to strengthen version's flintlock to use. May use as main force physics DPS.


Fire - Terry Sita opens fire rapidly rapidly, in the short time promotes the attack speed. Cooling: 20 seconds consume blue: 80
Rank 1: Increases Terry Sita the 30% attack speed, continues for 7 seconds
Rank 2: Increases Terry Sita the 45% attack speed, continues for 7 seconds
Rank 3: Increases Terry Sita the 60% attack speed, continues for 7 seconds
Rank 4: Increases Terry Sita the 75% attack speed, continues for 7 seconds
Rank 5: Increases Terry Sita the 90% attack speed, continues for 7 seconds
Canada attacks fast, apparents is inside LOL only Canada attacks the fast skillPushes tower DPS very much to have the help, but the earlier period only suggested that rises 1 level

Rocket caper - Terry Sita opens fire to the ground, the ejection to target sector, when landing causes the small scope damage and the deceleration, the secondary attack or strikes kills heroic reset this skill.
Cooling: 22 seconds consume blue: 80 firing distances: 900
Rank 1: When landing causes 70 black magic damage to the periphery enemy, slows down its 60% traveling speed, continues for 2.5 seconds, the secondary attack or strikes kills the heroic reset skill
Rank 2: When landing causes 115 black magic damage to the periphery enemy, slows down its 60% traveling speed, continues for 2.5 seconds, the secondary attack or strikes kills the heroic reset skill
Rank 3: When landing causes 160 black magic damage to the periphery enemy, slows down its 60% traveling speed, continues for 2.5 seconds, the secondary attack or strikes kills the heroic reset skill
Rank 4: When landing causes 205 black magic damage to the periphery enemy, slows down its 60% traveling speed, continues for 2.5 seconds, the secondary attack or strikes kills the heroic reset skill
Rank 5: When landing causes 250 black magic damage to the periphery enemy, slows down its 60% traveling speed, continues for 2.5 seconds, the secondary attack or strikes kills the heroic reset skill

The advertisement skill, cuts into the battlefield fast ability, regardless of chases down and kills a DPS very useful skill. Decelerates and causes the damage, the secondary attack or strikes kills the heroic reset skill, this many people will neglect. The suggestion first tops up

The detonation fire - Terry Sita cannon shell blasting open causes the sputtering damage to the enemy, the initiative launch will cause the long-enduring damage to the goal, and will reduce its treatment result.
Cooling: 16 second firing distance: 600
Rank 1: Will kill a unit to splutter 50 black magic injuries, the driving use will cause each second 25 black magics to injure and to reduce the treatment result 50%, will continue for 4 seconds, will consume blue 50
Rank 2: Will kill a unit to splutter 75 black magic injuries, the driving use will cause each second 25 black magics to injure and to reduce the treatment result 50%, will continue for 5 seconds, will consume blue 60
Rank 3: Will kill a unit to splutter 100 black magic injuries,baby dolls, the driving use will cause each second 25 black magics to injure and to reduce the treatment result 50%, will continue for 6 seconds, will consume blue 70
Rank 4: Will kill a unit to splutter 125 black magic injuries, the driving use will cause each second 25 black magics to injure and to reduce the treatment result 50%, will continue for 7 seconds, will consume blue 80
Rank 5: Will kill a unit to splutter 150 black magic injuries, the driving use will cause each second 25 black magics to injure and to reduce the treatment result 50%, will continue for 8 seconds, will consume blue 90

The reduction treatment result is a spot which many people neglect, injures the skill continually, to makes up the soldier to have certain help. Is auxiliary the DPS skill, suggested that in W rises under the full premise first to rise.

Deconstruction fire - Terry Sita loads a force cannon shell, causes the huge damage to the goal and strikes it flies
Cooling: 60 seconds consume blue: 140 firing distances: 700
Rank 1: The Terry Sita force cannon shell causes 300 damage, and strikes the goal flies 600
Rank 2: The Terry Sita force cannon shell causes 400 damage, and strikes the goal flies 800
Rank 3: The Terry Sita force cannon shell causes 500 damage, and strikes the goal flies 1000

Small artillery greatly also good, strikes flies the effect, raises the quantity injury. Behind the concrete usage will say.

Aimed fire (passive) -  Terry Sita firing distance along with rank promotion
The small artillery to the line establishment superiority's capital, to 12 belts infinite, the small artillery may not have injuries selects the count only

Goes out the equipment:

=700) window.open (http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d31303535.gif);src=http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d31303535.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0> blue +=700) window.open (http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d32303033.gif);src=http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d32303033.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0> goes out like the merit is the small brace hemorrhaging, but also adds attacks, 4% hemophagias. To the line a little superiority, the shortcoming is replies few, requests to wither, makes up soldier ability striving to excel.

=700) window.open (http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d31303533.gif);src=http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d31303533.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; the border=0> common novice can choose the equipment which goes out, because the small artillery outstanding firing distance, depends the line first-class, but line ball ability is low

About earlier period in list: 1-5 levels of dot: The WEWEQ small artillery preliminary line ball very formidable reason has several points: The first firing distance superiority, next on W and the E earlier period eruption is the very strong .1 level of time do not be bold, to 3-4 level of time might start the line ball. Selects first using the firing distance several, has opportunity E, next 1/3 blood's time might jump over with his hard spot, only if opposite party had the disabled person, generally hit .3-4 level of time hardly with you might not look for the opportunity to take a blood, W will add E to add the ignition basically opposite not to die will also choose the return trip.

Core equipment:

=700) window.open (http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d33303731.gif);src=http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d33303731.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; the border=0> small artillery magical instrument, small artillery's all superiority were the establishment in the firing distance superiority .3000 about prices, make up synthesis also very smooth .SOLO to 6-7 levels of return trips to attack the fast shoe to be possible to start to leave the black axe
Some small artillery are leave first infinite, thought personally the infinite words small artillery formation is too slow, 4000 prices want slowly many, only if the earlier period is suitable very much is suitable very muchbr>=700) window.open (http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d33303436.gif);src=http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d33303436.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; border=0> will later period make up the ghosts and demons, the earlier period black axe leaves first will have been from now on sincere the Canadian internal disorders fast to be possible.
=700) window.open (http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d33303331.gif);src=http://lol.uuu9.com/skin091103/content/item/302e392e32352e32312d33303331.gifonload=if(this.width >700) this.width=700; the border=0> black axe and sincere might from now on consider infinite.
The equipment also does not have any flattery, small artillery's equipment majority of mostly the same except for minor differences, leaves installs the smooth the difference

About small artillery's output: The small artillery earlier period SOLO line ball has the superiority very much, must the strong trend press the line, then enables the small artillery to take up a collection relieved. The superiority accumulation .6-7 level of first return trip bit by bit will be the small artillery's first superiority time from now on. May attempt under high and low road GANK, the opportunity has not continued SOLO, certainly must master the rhythm which GANK and takes up a collection. In order to kill one person to waste many time is stupidest. Said the R big move of usage, mainly has several functions. Kills people /KS remnant blood R to receive the number of people, or opposite pressure tower time favors the opportunity to jump to the behind advances under the tower to kill people. Supports and saves others the big move to be very also useful. The snowman, the scarecrow and so on big move can also break, therefore the group fights the attention to leave behind the big move.
Moreover needs to pay attention is the small artillery, although DPS is very high, but was sure to remember that as soon as does not want to start goes in E on non-brain W then to open the Q outputThe small artillery is very crisp, therefore do not jump without the brain. The group fights the time which just started on the atrophy spot opens the Q long-distance spot person, E and the ignition lets out. And so on groups fight the close tail stage to jump again prevent to escape or the output. Once small artillery volume of blood danger, you on empty. Must stand lives only then has the output.

Moreover wants to use COKI also to be possible to refer to the small artillery to install with the fighting method, airplane's fighting method is similar with the small artillery, is only a crisper spot. Airplane's eruption is depending on the strafe, group's time Q and W needs to put away, W cannot to, probably from opposite that side W to oneself the lineup, burn directly to more people are better, then strafes OOXX, the missile explodes the human.

Writes that many, the time is too tight writes down simply,(Related Articleskids clothing After LOL heroic alliance Giza Ding has fought), has the time to supplement again��oes out walkes with dog level which a little bird ~~~~ Gao Wanqing spurts to thank, bows leaves office

