
Zhou Dafu Brand three breaks through

    Dazzles the pattern

    Zhou Dafu: Brand three breaks through

    Pyramid type product system secondary attack next strategic high ground

    In China, has a unique market phenomenon: A brand, including the international brand and the Hong Kong and Taiwan brand, is going north and so on developed area to occupy the completely superiority broadly, but enters 23 markets, often hits the native place brand. Attacks 23 markets what pattern by? How to grasp 23 market consumer's demand?

    Chinese people jewelry first brand Zhou Dafu also started its three to break through the war. In 23 market consumer demand, the brand demand differs from with a big city in the situation, Zhou Dafu take its Pyramid's-like multi-level product system, as well as changes the straight camp chain-like as the alliance development channel strategy, attempts to break a brand in three market unaccustomed to the climate fate.

    10 year fast horse depending on pattern

    The Zhou Dafu jewelry gold line originated in 1929, in the 60s, Zhou Dafu took over the management by Zheng Yutong, in 1998 entered the inland market officially. Zhou Dafu jewelry gold good trustee General Manager Huang Shaoji when accepts "Manager" the interview disclosed that to 2008, Zhou Dafu jewelry Jin Xing surpasses 10,000,000,000 Yuan in inland sales volume, occupies jewelry industry sale market share first, in 2007,2008 years, the Zhou Dafu jewelry sale average increased range is about 30%, is higher than the profession mean value. Even if is financial crisis's in 2009, in many Hong Kong jewelry colleague sells grows for negative situation, the Zhou Dafu jewelry still maintains 15% growths compared to the same period. The short 12 years, the Zhou Dafu jewelry can take a fast horse, is in the lead in the profession development, benefits business model which innovates unceasingly in it:

    * Pyramid's-like product mix. Product from even price 300 many silver personal ornaments, to the even price 800 many K golds, to even price 1000 about golds, again to tens of thousands, several hundred thousand, over a million matches the decoration, from the low-and-middle end to the high-end, formed has suited richly from the populace to new and so on each buying public, multi-level product mixes.

    * a price type marketing strategy. The jewelry industry universal existence discounts, and can give the very low discount the rule, causes the consumer in the transaction to feel that probably arrived at the wholesale market, large scale bargaining back and forth, does not know the product the true value. Zhou Dafu for many years has implemented the product cost adds the reasonable profit a price strategy, has established the feeling which in the consumer mind the undeniable quality impression and resourcess are well used, has become genuine goods at reasonable prices' pronoun.

    * longitudinal integrated vertical supply chain management. The processing manufacture, the cutting polish, wool embryo making, the ore purchase, Zhou Dafu has formed oneself vertical management chain link. Resources and so on jewelry industry diamond belong to the scarce resources, who can have the stable supply chain, the stable price, who has the very big market controlling force. Zhou Dafu to guarantee that the upstream ore supply, for many years continuously diligently and the large-scale supplier has established the cooperation, is international DTC examines merchandise business, in 2010 also becomes the whole world third in a big way to pick the mining businessman strength to develop the company to examine merchandise business.

    * the straight camp chain-like allies primarily for auxiliary channel control system .20 century the 90s, Zhou Dafu in inland origination jewelry industry chain-like business model, and to control the management quality and the standard, take the straight camp as the fundamental mode, but also maintains has 20% about alliance shop.

    * altogether wins the type professional manager from the actuation-like to develop the system for a long time. Front several spots are very easy by the match imitation, but the enterprise talented people develop the system and the enterprise culture construction system, the competitor is not easy to imitate. Zhou Dafu holds the sincerity which disciple Zheng Yutong emphasized that genial and so on qualities, the achievement company advanced together harmoniously enterprise culture. Zhou Dafu jewelry Jin Xing incumbent trustee General Manager Huang Shaoji starts in the company from the basic unit staff, already surpassed for 30 years.

    He said that Zhou Dafu has 80 year history, I am the third generation supervisor, as soon as the reason that I can do in the company am several dozens years, is because I take the professional manager's localization, is explicit. My point of view is, completes own matter, completes to the company, the matter which the shareholder should do. The creation biggest benefit, this is not only the money benefit, is the sustainable development benefit, and seeks the development for the staff, improves their life and the development opportunities, lets them obtain the honor more importantly.

    Next 10 year military commander land that must fight for

    Under the forecast 10 year, the numerous brands realize all, a big city was already basic saturated, must make the fundamental big strategic breakthrough, must follow close on the national expansion domestic demand the strategy, enters the mid-west, enters 23 markets.

    Stands in 2010 economic resurgence important pass Zhou Dafu, also saw this opportunity. To 2020, must the chain store from the beginning of about 2010 950, develop to 2000. Zhou Dafu jewelry Jin Xing set under 10 year development targets. The team goal already determined that does not have the escape route. Huang Shaoji said categorically.

    23 markets are the Chinese native place brand worlds all along. The Zhou Dafu past 10 years could be in the lead the profession superiority, but could also continue in 234 markets? Was used to it has operated a market Zhou Dafu to manage the team, could control 23 markets well, continued in front of the profession?

    The Pyramid type product + allies the channel

    10 years open 1000 shops, are equal must open a Hsintien in 3 days, the broad mid-west area, its consumption level is infinitely varied, not the easy assurance, to manage the difficulty to enlarge. Depends upon the Zhou Dafu own operation management team merely, obviously with difficulty in the length and breadth mid-west market fast and guaranteed that the success ratio opens a shop. How to manage?

    Consistent steady management's Zhou Dafu, has formulated an urban consolidated development, two cities enlarge the market quantity, three cities are responsible for with emphasis the policy, and gives up passing in an urban straight camp chain-like development model primarily, transforms for the alliance chain-like channel pattern primarily, the request alliance discusses for 2 years to invest 6,000,000 about the operation funds, the alliance contract cycle is a two year bamboo slip.

    From the straight camp to the alliance transformation, some analyses thought that Zhou Dafu can transfer the alliance business fund effectively, and disperses develops three markets the risks. Huang Shaoji responded that Zhou Dafu was mainly hoped alliance business assisted to develop the local Department store, the commercial city relations, made the supplement in 34 cities. He pointed out that the Zhou Dafu past 10 years had 20% chain stores were already alliance business, already had the rich alliance chain-like managerial experience, to ally business, the product by the headquarters unification allocation, the staff by headquarters training, the market introduction by the headquarters unification formulation strategy, an alliance business only needs according to company's unified standards, the development sale, implements the unified post-sale service flow, in addition the big brand's safeguard, the risk is not big. Our Shenzhen is constructing inland headquarters building, the construction surpasses 100,000 square meters diamonds to process the building and the jewelry processes the building, 10 years, we will have the confidence next.

