
Vigilant! 7 kind of pregnant women easy to live the oaf

    The embryo health is each is pregnant mother's strongest wish. But sometimes, is pregnant mother's some bad customs is precisely causes the fetal anomaly the reason to be. Below, which has a look at to be pregnant together the mother to be easier to live the oaf.

    Causes the fetal anomaly the reason mainly to have two kinds, one kind is the molecular genetic flaw causes the fetal anomaly, is the close relative marries or has the family hereditary disease marriage to be easiest to give rise to this kind of problem; Another kind is the non-hereditary gene flaw causes the fetal anomaly, often is because pregnant woman being pregnant period to sends is unbalanced the factor neglect result.

    Then, this type's pregnant woman mainly has the following 7 kinds:

    1st, the pregnancy early time suffers the pregnant woman who sends the virus infection.

    2nd, contacted had the pregnant woman who the poison or received the overswing.

    3rd, has applied the bad medicine pregnant woman. May not exaggerate said that any medicine has its side effect, therefore, the pregnant woman should scrupulously follow this kind of principle: As far as possible little applies drugs, should better not apply drugs? Any medication must carry on under doctor's instruction.

    4th, raises supports the family cat's pregnant woman. The cat is the origin of infection which the arch polypite gets sick. After the pregnant woman infects this sickness, gives birth the baby possibly contracts congenitalness to lose one's sight, hydrocephalus and so on.

    5th, regularized heavy powder pregnant woman. In the cosmetics includes the lead, the mercury and so on toxic substance, after these materials by pregnant woman's skin absorption, the permeable blood embryo barrier has entered the blood circulation, then affects the embryo to grow.

    6th, frequently mood not good pregnant woman. Human's mood change and adrenal cortex hormone's how many concerns. When the pregnant woman appears anxiously, anxious, hot tempered, when fear and so on bad mood, the adrenal cortex hormone possibly hinders embryo certain organizations to blend together the function, causes the embryo to lagentomum or the uranocoloboma and so on.

    7th, the pregnancy early time has the overheated bath history pregnant woman. Some pregnant women being pregnant initial period is often carrying on the hot water bath or the vapor bath, the excessively high temperature and the sultry bathroom air is very easy to affect the embryo cerebrum and spinal cord's growth.

    Every belongs to the above type pregnant woman, it is necessary to make the prenatal diagnosis, if discovered that the fetal anomaly or has hereditary disease, should execute the selective miscarriage early.

Chief-editor: Tianbao mother

